PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Notice: You are browsing the documentation for PrestaShop 9, which is currently in development.

You might want to read the documentation for the current version, PrestaShop 8. Read the current version of this page

Unit testing

Smoke testing

A smoke test is a really simple and basic test that ensure the page will load with the right HTTP code. This won’t ensure the page will works as expected but if the test fails, this ensure the page is not functional.

To add a new test, you need to add a new entry in the Data Provider of FrameworkBundleAdminControllerTest class:


namespace Tests\Integration\PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin;
// ...
 * @group demo
 * To execute these tests: use "./vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/Integration/phpunit.xml tests/Integration/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/FrameworkBundleAdminControllerTest.php" command.
class FrameworkBundleAdminControllerTest extends WebTestCase
    // [...]

    public function getDataProvider()
        return [
            'symfony_route_of_page' => ['Page title', 'symfony_route_of_page'],
            // ...