Notice: You are browsing the documentation for PrestaShop 9, which is currently in development.

You might want to read the documentation for the current version, PrestaShop 8. Read the current version of this page

Payment modules

PrestaShop 1.7 introduced a new payment API. Below, you’ll find information about how it works.

To learn how to migrate a payment module from 1.6 to 1.7, please refer to 1.7 version of this page.
Please note that your module won’t be listed in payment methods admin page unless it is referenced in the official list. However you can still configure it through the Module Manager.


To develop a payment module for PrestaShop 9, you’ll have to respect some elements:

  • Your class have to extend PaymentModule.
  • You have to implement the two following methods: hookPaymentOptions() & hookPaymentReturn() and register these hooks (PaymentOptions and PaymentReturn).
  • You must not have a submit button into your module’s HTML code. It will automatically be generated by PrestaShop.

In the hookPaymentOptions() method, you have to return an array of PaymentOption.

How to generate your PaymentOption


Here is a list of the PaymentOption class variables. They all have a getter and a setter and are accessible in the array sent to the front office template.

  • $callToActionText: The text displayed as the payment method name.
  • $additionalInformation: Additional information to display to the customer. This is free HTML, and may be used by modules such as bankwire to display to which account the bank transfer should be made.
  • $logo: The URL to a picture to display in the payment option selection widget.
  • $action: The URL to which the request to process the payment must be made.
  • $inputs: An associative array of additional parameters to use when sending the request to $action.
  • $form: The custom HTML to display like a form to enter the credit card information.
  • $moduleName: The name of the module.
  • $binary: A boolean to set if the module form was generated by binaries and contains a submit button. It’s necessary to adapt the behavior.

Example of PaymentOption creation

// create a PaymentOption of type Offline
$offlineOption = new PaymentOption();
$offlineOption->setCallToActionText($this->l('Pay offline'));
$offlineOption->setAction($this->context->link->getModuleLink($this->name, 'validation', ['option' => 'offline'], true));
$offlineOption->setLogo(Media::getMediaPath(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/views/img/option/offline.png'));

PaymentOption types and scenarios

You can find a example module illustrating the four identified cases of payment modules on GitHub.

We have identified four cases of payment module:

PaymentOption type Description Minimal variables
Offline This is the most simple case where you could be (e.g.:Bankwire, Cheque). It’s a simple URL to call, then various information are displayed to the customer. $callToActionText, $action
External It’s a simple URL to call, then the payment is directly processed on the Payment Service Provider’s website (e.g.: PayPal, Paybox). $callToActionText, $action
Embedded You write your credit card number and all the required data directly on the merchant’s website (e.g.: Stripe). $callToActionText, $form
Iframe The payment form is displayed on the merchant’s website, but inside an iframe. $callToActionText, $additionalInformation

Offline scenario

External scenario

sequenceDiagram Customer->>PrestaShop instance: Select an External payment method PrestaShop instance->>External Payment service provider (PSP): Uses $action parameter to redirect to the PSP External Payment service provider (PSP)-->>External Payment service provider (PSP): Handles payment form External Payment service provider (PSP)->>PrestaShop instance: Redirects the customer back to the store PrestaShop instance->>Customer: Returns a confirmation page External Payment service provider (PSP)-->>PrestaShop instance: Usually send a webhook to the Store to give Server to server information about the payment PrestaShop instance-->>PrestaShop instance: Updates payment status / order status

Embedded scenario

sequenceDiagram Customer->>PrestaShop instance: Select an Embedded payment method PrestaShop instance->>PrestaShop instance: Uses $form parameter to build to the PSP form Customer->>External Payment service provider (PSP): Submits the PSP embedded form within the PrestaShop checkout page External Payment service provider (PSP)-->>External Payment service provider (PSP): Handles payment form PrestaShop instance-->>PrestaShop instance: Creates the Order PrestaShop instance->>Customer: Returns a confirmation page External Payment service provider (PSP)-->>PrestaShop instance: Usually send a webhook to the Store to give Server to server information about the payment PrestaShop instance-->>PrestaShop instance: Updates payment status / order status

Iframe scenario

sequenceDiagram Customer->>PrestaShop instance: Select an Embedded payment method PrestaShop instance->>PrestaShop instance: Uses $additionalInformation parameter to display an HTML Iframe Customer->>External Payment service provider (PSP): Submits the PSP form within the Iframe in the PrestaShop checkout page External Payment service provider (PSP)-->>External Payment service provider (PSP): Handles payment form PrestaShop instance-->>PrestaShop instance: Creates the Order PrestaShop instance->>Customer: Returns a confirmation page External Payment service provider (PSP)-->>PrestaShop instance: Usually send a webhook to the Store to give Server to server information about the payment PrestaShop instance-->>PrestaShop instance: Updates payment status / order status

Payment modules rules and notes

There are extra rules for Payment Modules as this type of modules require higher security.

Note that there are some modules which create the Order with a pending order status during the payment processing (1), while others wait for the payment system’s approval to create it (2). But none of them create an order before the customer passed the payment service (bank, PayPal…).

  • Make sure you double check the id_cart before creating the order.

    • The purpose is to make sure another customer cannot validate a cart which isn’t his.
  • if (2), make sure the amount you use to validateOrder() comes from the external payment system. Do not use Cart->getOrderTotal();

    • For security reasons, always proceed as explained.
  • For (2), when receiving a call to process the payment, make sure you double check the source of the call using a signature or a token. Those values must not be known of all.