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Hook moduleRoutes


Hook moduleRoutes
Origin core
Description This hook allows your module to extend default PrestaShop routes with custom ones and map them to your module front controllers.

This hook has an $array_return parameter set to true (module output will be set by name in an array, see explaination here).

Located in

Origin File
core classes/Dispatcher.php

Call of the Hook in the origin file

Hook::exec('moduleRoutes', ['id_shop' => $id_shop], null, true, false)

Example implementation

This hook must return an array of routes, keyed by the names of the routes, and each route structured by:

  'rule' => string,
  'keywords' => array(),
  'controller' => string,
  'params' => array(
    'fc' => string,
    'module' => string

rule and keywords parameters

rule is the URL that will be matched by the router. rule can contain parameters, enclosed with {}. For example, to add an id parameter in your route, use the following rule:


Multiple parameters can be used, for example:


Each parameter in your rule must be declared in the keywords array.

In our example, id must be an integer and slug a string, and will be forwarded to the controller with id and slug parameter names:

  'rule' => 'myrule/{id}/{slug}',
  'keywords' => [
    'id' => [
      'regexp' => '[0-9]*',
      'param' => 'id'
    'slug' => [
      'regexp' => '.*',
      'param' => 'slug'
  'controller' => 'myrulecontroller',
  'params' => [
    'fc' => 'module',
    'module' => 'mymodulename'


This example creates two ModuleFrontController controllers, and extends PrestaShop routes to map 2 routes to those controllers: one for listing items, the other one for showing one specific item.

Create a list.php ModuleFrontController in mymoduleaddingroutes/controllers/front/:

class MyModuleAddingRoutesListModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public function initContent()

and a show.php ModuleFrontController in mymoduleaddingroutes/controllers/front/:

class MyModuleAddingRoutesShowModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public function initContent()
        // It is just an example. Remember to always validate the input data!
              'id' => Tools::getValue('id'),
              'slug' => Tools::getValue('slug')

Now, create two templates in mymoduleaddingroutes/views/templates/front/:


<h1>List template</h1>


<h1>Show template</h1>
Id: {$id}
Slug: {$slug}

Now we have 2 controllers, rendering 2 templates, we can create our routes with moduleRoutes hook, in mymoduleaddingroutes/mymoduleaddingroutes.php:

class MyModuleAddingRoutes extends Module 
    public function install()
        return parent::install() && $this->registerHook('moduleRoutes');

    public function hookModuleRoutes()
        return [
          'module-mymoduleaddingroutes-list' => [
            'rule' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes/list',
            'keywords' => [],
            'controller' => 'list',
            'params' => [
                'fc' => 'module',
                'module' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes'
          'module-mymoduleaddingroutes-show' => [
            'rule' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes/show/{id}/{slug}',
            'keywords' => [
              'id' => [
                'regexp' => '[0-9]*',
                'param' => 'id'
              'slug' => [
                'regexp' => '.*',
                'param' => 'slug'
            'controller' => 'show',
            'params' => [
                'fc' => 'module',
                'module' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes'

The complete implementation example is available in our example modules repository.