PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Hook moduleRoutes


Hook moduleRoutes
Origin core

This hook has an $array_return parameter set to true (module output will be set by name in an array, see explaination here).

Located in

Origin File
core classes/Dispatcher.php

Call of the Hook in the origin file

Hook::exec('moduleRoutes', ['id_shop' => $id_shop], null, true, false)

Example implementation

This hook must return an array of routes, keyed by the names of the routes, and each route structured by:

  'rule' => string,
  'keywords' => array(),
  'controller' => string,
  'params' => array(
    'fc' => string,
    'module' => string

rule and keywords parameters

rule is the URL that will be matched by the router. rule can contain parameters, enclosed with {}. For example, to add an id parameter in your route, use the following rule:


Multiple parameters can be used, for example:


Each parameter in your rule must be declared in the keywords array.

In our example, id must be an integer and slug a string, and will be forwarded to the controller with id and slug parameter names:

  'rule' => 'myrule/{id}/{slug}',
  'keywords' => [
    'id' => [
      'regexp' => '[0-9]*',
      'param' => 'id'
    'slug' => [
      'regexp' => '.*',
      'param' => 'slug'
  'controller' => 'myrulecontroller',
  'params' => [
    'fc' => 'module',
    'module' => 'mymodulename'


This example creates two ModuleFrontController controllers, and extends PrestaShop routes to map 2 routes to those controllers: one for listing items, the other one for showing one specific item.

Create a list.php ModuleFrontController in mymoduleaddingroutes/controllers/front/:

class MyModuleAddingRoutesListModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public function initContent()

and a show.php ModuleFrontController in mymoduleaddingroutes/controllers/front/:

class MyModuleAddingRoutesShowModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public function initContent()
        // It is just an example. Remember to always validate the input data!
              'id' => Tools::getValue('id'),
              'slug' => Tools::getValue('slug')

Now, create two templates in mymoduleaddingroutes/views/templates/front/:


<h1>List template</h1>


<h1>Show template</h1>
Id: {$id}
Slug: {$slug}

Now we have 2 controllers, rendering 2 templates, we can create our routes with moduleRoutes hook, in mymoduleaddingroutes/mymoduleaddingroutes.php:

class MyModuleAddingRoutes extends Module 
    public function install()
        return parent::install() && $this->registerHook('moduleRoutes');

    public function hookModuleRoutes()
        return [
          'module-mymoduleaddingroutes-list' => [
            'rule' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes/list',
            'keywords' => [],
            'controller' => 'list',
            'params' => [
                'fc' => 'module',
                'module' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes'
          'module-mymoduleaddingroutes-show' => [
            'rule' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes/show/{id}/{slug}',
            'keywords' => [
              'id' => [
                'regexp' => '[0-9]*',
                'param' => 'id'
              'slug' => [
                'regexp' => '.*',
                'param' => 'slug'
            'controller' => 'show',
            'params' => [
                'fc' => 'module',
                'module' => 'mymoduleaddingroutes'

The complete implementation example is available in our example modules repository.