PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.


Extends TextType with additional button which inserts current device ip address to input.

Type options


Required Javascript components

Component Description
../admin-dev/themes/new-theme/js/maintenance-page/ip-input.js Inserts current device ip address to input.

Code example

// path/to/your/CustomType.php

use PrestaShopBundle\Form\Admin\Type\IpAddressType;

class CustomType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

Then in Javascript you have to enable IpInput component.

import IpInput from 'admin-dev/themes/new-theme/js/maintenance-page/ip-input';

// initialize the component

Preview example

IpAddressType rendered in form example