PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

New password policy introduced in 8.0.x

A new password policy was introduced in 8.0.x for Customers and Employees passwords.

This password policy is based on Zxcvbn.

Zxcvbn is a password strength estimation library that is designed to help developers create secure password policies for their applications. It was developed by DropBox and is available as an open-source library.

It estimates the strength of a password by analyzing various factors such as its length, the use of special characters, and the presence of common words or patterns. The goal of zxcvbn is to provide a more accurate and user-friendly way of assessing password strength compared to traditional approaches, which often rely on simple checks such as minimum length or the presence of certain types of characters.

To use Zxcvbn, you provide the password as input to the library and it returns an estimated strength score. The score is a number between 0 and 4, with higher numbers indicating stronger passwords. This score is then used to provide feedback to users on the strength of their chosen password.

When creating / updating a Customer account, or an Employee account, the Zxcvnb api is used to determine the score, and make an instant feedback using Javascript to the User:

Password policy in back office for Employees

Password policy in front office for Customers

Changes introduced in PrestaShop by this new policy

This new password policy introduced some backward compatibility breaks:

  • File jquery-passy.js is no longer available
  • Form field change-password is no longer working as it was for passy integration
  • The password now requires a correct length whatever is it the Front or the Back Office
  • AddEmployeeCommand now requires hasEnabledGravatar, minLength, maxLength and minScore
  • EditEmployeeCommand::setPlainPassword now requires minLength, maxLength and minScore
  • Employee\ValueObject::Password now requires minLength, maxLength and minScore
  • Employee/EmployeeType now requires an instance of ConfigurationInterface
  • ChangePasswordType now requires an instance of ConfigurationInterface
  • Core/Domain/Employee/ValueObject/Password::MIN_LENGTH and Core/Domain/Employee/ValueObject/Password::MAX_LENGTH are no longer available
  • Employee\ValueObject\Password::__construct signature changed to string $password, int $minLength, int $maxLength, int $minScore
  • PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Type/ChangePasswordType::__construct now require a ConfigurationInterface

And some deprecations:

  • Validate::isPlaintextPassword is deprecated
  • Validate::isPasswdAdmin is deprecated
Please note that the library is loaded asyncronously in core.js because of its size.

Upgrade guide for your module / theme

How to update your code for backend development

If your module is creating / updating Customers or Employees, make sure to update your code according to the BC breaks and deprecations indicated above.

How to update your frontend theme

If your theme is creating / updating Customers or Employees, make sure to update your code according to the BC breaks related to themes (jquery-passy.js no longer available, and form field change-password no longer working).

If your theme is extending PrestaShop/classic-theme,

  • make sure your modifications (if any) to template/customer/_partials/customer-form.tpl does not change the div added around password fields:
<div class="field-password-policy">
    {form_field field=$field}
  • make sure your modifications on your theme does not alter the requirement of _partials/password-policy-template.tpl in the Javascripts includes.

  • make sure your modifications on your theme does not alter the templates/_partials/form-fields.tpl file on the password field, please refer here for requirements.