PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Supported branches

Maintainers will only accept contributions for branches which are subject to new releases.

The development branch (develop) contains the development code for the next minor or major version, and is the natural destination for all contributions.

The patch version branch (e.g. 8.0.x) contains the code for the next patch release for a given version. This is where some bug fixes are destined, under specific conditions.

TL;DR When in doubt, target the develop branch. We will ask you to rebase on the correct branch if necessary.

Understanding active & closed branches

The develop branch is always active and open to contributions.

Each minor version has its own patch branch: patches for the 8.0 version go in the 8.0.x branch, while patches for 8.1 go in 8.1.x… and so on.

These branches are created and closed following the support window of each version. Once the support for a version is over and no new patch releases are expected for it, its corresponding branch becomes closed to contribution.

Except for rare cases, a patch version branch is closed the moment the following minor version is released. For example, the 8.0.x branch is closed once the 8.1 version has been released, giving way to the 8.1.x branch.

Pull Requests targeting closed branches will not be accepted.

Bug fixes and patch branches

Patch branches usually only accept critical bug fixes, like security bugs, and same-version regression fixes.

Regressions are bugs that break a feature that was previously working well. If a feature was working well in 8.0 and is broken by a bug introduced in 8.1, then the bug is a regression introduced in 8.1 and should be fixed in the 8.1.x branch—as long as that branch is open.

If you intend to submit a fix for a regression introduced in a version that no longer receives patches, make sure that bug is still present in the develop branch. If the bug is still present, please submit a Pull Request on develop.