PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Adding a configuration page

This guide is about the legacy way of creating configuration pages for modules using HelperForm.

Modules usually provide a dedicated configuration page, accessible through a “Configure” button in the Module Manager list, that allows the shop’s administrator to set up any options provided by the module.

In difference with other controllers, the content of configuration page is handled directly in the module’s main class by the getContent() public method. PrestaShop will check if this method exists and will only display the “Configure” button if this method is declared.

In the following example we will implement a minimalistic configuration page that displays a form allowing the user to edit the content of the MYMODULE_CONFIG Configuration variable.

The getContent() method

First, let’s have a look at our getContent() method:

 * This method handles the module's configuration page
 * @return string The page's HTML content 
public function getContent()
    $output = '';

    // this part is executed only when the form is submitted
    if (Tools::isSubmit('submit' . $this->name)) {
        // retrieve the value set by the user
        $configValue = (string) Tools::getValue('MYMODULE_CONFIG');

        // check that the value is valid
        if (empty($configValue) || !Validate::isGenericName($configValue)) {
            // invalid value, show an error
            $output = $this->displayError($this->l('Invalid Configuration value'));
        } else {
            // value is ok, update it and display a confirmation message
            Configuration::updateValue('MYMODULE_CONFIG', $configValue);
            $output = $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated'));

    // display any message, then the form
    return $output . $this->displayForm();

The getContent() method is called when the configuration page is loaded. Therefore, we use it to both display a form and handle the action behind that form.

Here is a step by step explanation:

  • Tools::isSubmit() is a PrestaShop-specific method that checks if a given form has been submitted. In this case, if the configuration form has not yet been sent, the whole if() block is skipped and PrestaShop will only use the last line, which displays the configuration form using current values, as generated by the displayForm() method.
  • Tools::getValue() is another PrestaShop-specific method that retrieves the specified parameter from either POST or GET. In this case, we retrieve the value of the MYMODULE_CONFIG form field, turn its value into a text string using (string), then store it in the $configValue variable.
  • We then check that $configValue is not empty and valid. In this case, we decided that the configuration should not accept special characters, so we use Validate::isGenericName(). The Validate object contains many data validation methods, among which is isGenericName(), a method that helps you keep only strings that are valid PrestaShop names – meaning, a string that does not contain special characters.
  • If any of these checks fail, the configuration will display an error message, indicating that the form validation failed. The $output variable, which contains the final rendition of the HTML code that makes the configuration page, will begin with an error message, that we create using PrestaShop’s displayError() method. This method returns the correct HTML code for our need, and since that code is first in $output, this means the configuration will be displayed before any other content.
  • If the checks are successful, this means we can store the value in our database. The Configuration::updateValue() method will store the new value for MYMODULE_CONFIG in the configuration database. After that, we want to add a friendly message to the user, indicating that the value has indeed been saved. To that end, we use PrestaShop’s displayConfirmation() method to add that message as the first data in the $output variable – and therefore, at the top of the page.
  • Finally, we use the custom displayForm() method (explained in the next section) in order to build the form, that we want to render whether if it is submitted or not. Then we will send the resulting HTML code into $output so that we can render the page. Note that we could have included the code for displayForm() right within getContent(), but chose to separate the two for readability and separation of concerns.

This form-validation code is nothing new for PHP developers, but uses some of the PrestaShop methods that you will regularly use.

Displaying the form

The configuration form itself is displayed with the displayForm() method. Here is its code, which we are going to explain after the jump:

 * Builds the configuration form
 * @return string HTML code
public function displayForm()
    // Init Fields form array
    $form = [
        'form' => [
            'legend' => [
                'title' => $this->l('Settings'),
            'input' => [
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => $this->l('Configuration value'),
                    'name' => 'MYMODULE_CONFIG',
                    'size' => 20,
                    'required' => true,
            'submit' => [
                'title' => $this->l('Save'),
                'class' => 'btn btn-default pull-right',

    $helper = new HelperForm();

    // Module, token and currentIndex
    $helper->table = $this->table;
    $helper->name_controller = $this->name;
    $helper->token = Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules');
    $helper->currentIndex = AdminController::$currentIndex . '&' . http_build_query(['configure' => $this->name]);
    $helper->submit_action = 'submit' . $this->name;

    // Default language
    $helper->default_form_language = (int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');

    // Load current value into the form
    $helper->fields_value['MYMODULE_CONFIG'] = Tools::getValue('MYMODULE_CONFIG', Configuration::get('MYMODULE_CONFIG'));

    return $helper->generateForm([$form]);

While this might look like a huge block of code for a single form field, this block actually uses some of PrestaShop’s methods that make it easier to build forms, most notably the HelperForm object.

Let’s run down this method:

  • In preparation for the generation of the form, we create the $form variable, which contains the definition of the various elements (fields, labels, etc) the form will contain. From this variable, PrestaShop will render the HTML form as it is described.

    In this example, we define three sections (legend, input and submit) and their properties using arrays. The format is quite straightforward: the legend and submit arrays simply contain the attributes to each tag, while the input array contains as many input elements as needed, each being in turn an array containing the necessary attributes.

    For instance:

    'input' => [
            'type' => 'text',
            'label' => $this->l('Configuration value'),
            'name' => 'MYMODULE_CONFIG',
            'size' => 20,
            'required' => true,

    …generates the following HTML:

    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="control-label col-lg-4 required">Configuration value</label>
        <div class="col-lg-8">
            <input type="text" name="MYMODULE_CONFIG" id="MYMODULE_CONFIG" class="" size="20" value="my friend" required="required">

    As you can see, PrestaShop is quite clever, and will generate all the code that is needed to obtain a useful form.

  • We then create an instance of the HelperForm class.

  • Once all HelperForm settings have been configured, we generate the form based on the content of the $form variable using generateForm().

Understanding HelperForm

The HelperForm component enables you to generate standard HTML elements for the back office as well as for module configuration pages.

Our example uses several of HelperForm’s attributes; they need to be set before we can generate the form using the $form variable:

  • $helper->table takes the module’s table. $this->table set to “modules” by default for all modules.
  • $helper->name_controller requires the name of the module.
  • $helper->token is the Back office CSRF token that will be appended to the form’s action. getAdminTokenLite() helps us generate one.
  • $helper->currentIndex expects the URL where the form will be sent to. We use the same URL as the form.
  • $helper->submit_action is the name of the hidden input sent with the form, which we will later use to tell if the form has been submitted.
  • $helper->default_form_language requires the shop’s default language id, in case we used multi language features.
  • $helper->fields_value[] is used to fill out the form fields.

The generateForm() method takes care of putting it all together and, as its name says, generates the form that the user will use to configure the module’s settings.

Here is the rendition of the form as it is presently written – which you can see by yourself by clicking on the “Configure” link for the module in the back office:

Form preview

Change the value to whichever you like, click on the “Save” button, then go reload the homepage: the form is indeed updated with the new string!