PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Naming Conventions

As with Coding standards, naming consistency is very important in PrestaShop, thus there are conventions that every PrestaShop contributor should follow.

At the moment naming conventions are enforced for new code only.

Controllers & actions

PrestaShop controllers follow these naming conventions:

  • Controller names start with an upper case letter and end in “Controller” (e.g. SomethingController).
  • Prefix controller names with the name of the related resource in singular form (e.g. CustomerController, ProductController).

Actions follow these conventions:

  • Action names start with a lowercase letter and end in “Action” (e.g. deleteAction).
  • Action names should be clear and concise: editAction(), savePrivateNoteAction() are good examples, but formAction() or processAction() are not clear enough.
  • The main controller action should be named indexAction.
  • Some actions names are standardized:
    • indexAction: displays the listing (in Object-type controllers like CustomerController) or a form in configuration controllers.
    • createAction: shows the object’s creation form page and handles the form submit
    • editAction: shows the object’s edit form page and handles its submit
    • deleteAction: deletes an item

For a complete example see code below.

// CustomerController.php

namespace PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\Sell\Customer;

// Controller name is prefixed with Customer in singular form
class CustomerController
    // Index page which is opened when
    // user clicks "Improve > Sell > Customers" in side menu.
    // It shows list of customers and KPIs.
    public function indexAction()

    // Customer Edit page which is opened when
    // user clicks "Edit" action on selected customer.
    // It shows customer form with data that can be edited.
    public function editAction($customerId, Request $request)

    // Deletes given customer.
    // Does not show page, but returns flash message with redirect instead.
    public function deleteAction($customerId, Request $request)

    // Transforms guest customer (customer without password)
    // to customer with password.
    // Does not show page, but returns flash message with redirect instead.
    public function transformGuestToCustomerAction($customerId, Request $request)

    // Saves private note for customer, that can only be seen by admin in Back Office.
    // Does not show page, but returns flash message with redirect instead.
    public function savePrivateNoteAction($customerId, Request $request)

    // Toggle the status of given customer.
    // Does not show page, but returns flash message with redirect instead.
    public function toggleStatusAction($customerId)


PrestaShop templates follow these naming conventions:

  • A template’s name should match its controller’s action name without the “action” suffix. For example, if you have CustomerController:viewAction() action, then your template name should be view.html.twig.
// CustomerController.php

namespace PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\Sell\Customer;

use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController as AbstractAdminController;

class CustomerController extends AbstractAdminController
    // Our action name is "view", thus our
    // template name is "view.html.twig".
    public function viewAction()

For a typical CRUD page, you should have these template names:

  • index.html.twig
  • create.html.twig
  • edit.html.twig
  • delete.html.twig

Routes and paths

PrestaShop routes follow admin_{resource}_{action} naming structure.

  • {resource} is the object’s name in plural form (e.g. customers, products, orders).
  • {action} name should match the controller’s action name (without the “Action” suffix).
  • The route should define all HTTP methods that it responds to (e.g. GET, POST).
  • Use {resource} as prefix (root) of the controller’s routes (e.g. /customers/foo, /customers/bar).
  • When the route points to an action to be performed on an individual resource then URL path should follow /{resource}/{resourceId}/{action} naming (e.g. /customers/23/edit).
  • When resource identifier (ID) is used in URL path then its placeholder should be prefixed with the object’s name (e.g. /customers/{customerId}/ instead of /customers/{id}/).

If we were to create CRUD routes for Customer, this is how it would look like:

  • Index route is admin_customers_index, with URL /customers and responds to GET method.
  • Create route is admin_customers_create, with URL /customers/new and responds to GET and POST methods.
  • Edit route is admin_customers_edit, with URL /customers/{customerId}/edit and responds to GET and POST methods.
  • Delete route is admin_customers_delete, with URL /customers/{customerId}/delete and responds to POST method.

Example of implementation for Customer routes:

# src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/routing/admin/sell/customer/_customer.yml

  resource: "customers.yml"
  # route urls defined in "customers.yml" file will be prefixed with "/customers"
  prefix: /customers/
# src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/config/routing/admin/sell/customer/customers.yml

  path: /
  methods: [GET]
    _controller: PrestaShopBundle:Admin/Sell/Customer/Customer:index

  path: /{customerId}/edit
  methods: [GET, POST]
    _controller: PrestaShopBundle:Admin/Sell/Customer/Customer:edit
    customerId: \d+

  path: /{customerId}/transform-guest-to-customer
  methods: [POST]
    _controller: PrestaShopBundle:Admin/Sell/Customer/Customer:transformGuestToCustomer
    customerId: \d+

Service ids

Service ids should follow the fully-qualified class name of the registered class. See example below.

// src/Core/Payment/PaymentOptionFormDecorator.php

namespace PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Payment;

class PaymentOptionFormDecorator
  // ...
  # service id follows fully-qualified class name
    class: 'PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Payment\PaymentOptionFormDecorator'

Named arguments

Do NOT use “named argument” syntax in your front services declaration:

  # Good
      class: 'Foo\Bar'
        - 'baz'
  # Wrong
      class: 'Foo\Bar'
        $baz: 'baz'

If you do try to use named arguments in your front services definition you will end up with the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException: Invalid service “wrong_foo_bar”: class “Foo\Bar” does not exist.


PrestaShop comes with a lot of Grids (Products, Customers, Orders & etc) and keeping consistency between them is very important, thats why it follows these naming conventions:

  • Grid ids should be in lowercase and written in snake_case


  • Module names should contain only lower case and numbers.
  • Native modules’ names must be prefixed with “ps_” (e.g. ps_linklist).