PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Templates & layouts

PrestaShop template files are based on the Smarty 4 template engine.

On PrestaShop 1.7.x, template files were based on Smarty 3 template engine.

All template files must be stored in the theme’s templates/ subfolder. For instance, the default theme has its template files in the following folder: /themes/classic/templates.

Directory structure

Templates are then split between various subfolders.

Code shared accross the whole site like header, footer or notifications.
Product page, product/brand/supplier listing, search result and such.
Cart, delivery options, payment options, order confirmations and such.
All the static content: contact, sitemap, CMS pages and such.
Everything about the customer’s account and its data.
All the error templates: not found, server error, forbidden and such.
The theme layouts: 1, 2 or more columns, full width, everything is possible.

Template files should be written so that a single .tpl can generate a whole HTML page – unless they are inside a _partials folder or subfolder (see our coding standard, linked from the Prologue chapter of this documentation).


We make a clear difference between templates and layout.

  • A template extends a layout
  • The layout holds the global organization of the page
  • A template is specific to a feature: the product page for example

There are many templates in a PrestaShop theme, the main ones includes:

  • index.tpl for the home page
  • catalog/product.tpl for the product page
  • catalog/listing/product-list.tpl for any product list page
  • checkout/cart.tpl for the detailed cart
  • checkout/checkout.tpl for the checkout process

Specific templates

If you’re working on a big store in many languages you may need to change the layout of the page depending on the language.

For example you want a different product page for american customers and japanese ones. In this case you simply have to create new template product.tpl and place it in the right folder.

When searching for a template, PrestaShop will check many location to determine which file should be used. It make it very easy to have different template for a given locale or a specific entity id.

More details in TemplateFinder.php.

Product page example

With the product page, the core will check the following locations (in order) and return the first template found:

graph TD; A(Lookup for template catalog/product with : locale + entity id) A-->B(Lookup for template catalog/product with : entity id); B-->C(Lookup for template catalog/product with : locale); C-->D(Lookup for template catalog/product);

Example for the product with ID = 3 and locale = en-US:

  1. en-US/catalog/product-3.tpl
  2. catalog/product-3.tpl
  3. en-US/catalog/product.tpl
  4. catalog/product.tpl

Category page example

graph TD; A(Lookup for template catalog/listing/category with : locale + entity id) A-->B(Lookup for template catalog/listing/category with : entity id); B-->C(Lookup for template catalog/listing/category with : locale); C-->D(Lookup for template catalog/listing/category); D-->E(Lookup for template catalog/listing/product-list with locale); E-->F(Lookup for template catalog/listing/product-list);

Example for the category with ID = 9 and locale = en-US:

  1. en-US/catalog/listing/category-9.tpl
  2. catalog/listing/category-9.tpl
  3. en-US/catalog/listing/category.tpl
  4. catalog/listing/category.tpl
  5. en-US/catalog/listing/product-list.tpl
  6. catalog/listing/product-list.tpl

This feature is mostly made for developer working on a custom template for a customer.


The layout is the organisation of the page: how the parts of your design are arranged.

The typical example is the sidebar: is there a sidebar on your category page or is your product listing taking the whole space?

In PrestaShop, users are given the ability to change the layout of each page independently. As a template developer, it’s your role to ensure your theme is compatible.

Configure layout

What’s in a layout file

The layout is the very top level of the template inheritance tree. Basically it hold the opening and closing <html> tags.

Typical layout files look like the following snippet. This one is a full one:

Remember to define as many blocks as possible.
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="{$language.iso_code}">

      {block name='head'}
        {include file='_partials/head.tpl'}

    <body id="{$page.page_name}" class="{$page.body_classes|classnames}">

      {hook h='displayAfterBodyOpeningTag'}


        <header id="header">
          {block name='header'}
            {include file='_partials/header.tpl'}

        <section id="wrapper">
          <div class="container">

            {block name='breadcrumb'}
              {include file='_partials/breadcrumb.tpl'}

            {block name="left_column"}
              <div id="left-column">
                {if $page.page_name == 'product'}
                  {hook h='displayLeftColumnProduct'}
                  {hook h="displayLeftColumn"}

            {block name="content_wrapper"}
              <div id="content-wrapper">
                {block name="content"}
                  <p>Hello world! This is HTML5 Boilerplate.</p>


        <footer id="footer">
          {block name="footer"}
            {include file="_partials/footer.tpl"}


      {hook h='displayBeforeBodyClosingTag'}

      {block name='javascript_bottom'}
        {include file="_partials/javascript.tpl" javascript=$javascript.bottom}



From there, each part of the theme will do its job and replace content inside these bricks, keeping the same organization.