PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Create a product from start to finish with Webservices

This guide will demonstrate how to create and manipulate a Product and its dependencies from the Webservices.

Firstly, we will generate a Supplier and a Manufacturer. Secondly, we will establish a Category to organize our Product.

Once the Product is added, we’ll include some Stocks, upload an Image, and handle multi-language content.

Finally, we’ll explain how to manage Features, Combinations and Attributes.

We will illustrate those examples with a Postman Collection, that you can download and run against your own PrestaShop Webservices.

Download the Postman Collection

Create a Supplier and Manufacturer

Although optional, having both Manufacturer and Supplier information will assist in managing your stock and business efficiently.

You have to send a request for each Manufacturer and Supplier to the Webservices before creating your Product.

Create a Manufacturer

Send a POST request to /api/manufacturers with the following body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">

Retrieve the newly created manufacturer ID from the Webservices’s response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
        <link_rewrite notFilterable="true">
            <![CDATA[2023-08-07 09:31:06]]>
            <![CDATA[2023-08-07 09:31:06]]>
            <language id="1">
            <language id="1">
            <language id="1">
            <language id="1">
            <language id="1">
            <addresses nodeType="address" api="addresses"/>

Related request in the Postman collection:

1 - Create manufacturer

Create a Supplier

Send a POST request to /api/suppliers with the following body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">

Retrieve the newly created supplier ID from the Webservices’s response.

Related request in the Postman collection:

2 - Create supplier

Create a Category for our Product

Let’s create a designated Category for our Product.

Send a POST request to /api/categories with the following body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[Category demo]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[category-demo]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[my awesome category description]]></language>

Ensure the provided Language ID corresponds to your Language ID in your back office.

Retrieve the newly created category ID from the Webservices’s response.

Related request in the Postman collection:

3 - Create category

Create the Product

Now that the required dependencies are in place, we can move forward with crafting the minimum viable product.

Send a POST request to /api/products with the following body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[Description]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[Keywords]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[My Title for SEO]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[awesome-product]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[My awesome Product]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[Description]]></language>
        <language id="1"><![CDATA[Short description]]></language>

Replace id_manufacturer, id_supplier, id_category_default, associations > categories > category > id with the retrieved IDs from the previously created entities.

This will create a Product, of type: ProductType::TYPE_STANDARD, associated with the Shop with id:1.

Related request in the Postman collection:

4 - Create product

Product Stock management

Whenever a Product entity is formed, a corresponding Stock_Available record is also generated and inserted to the database.

We first need to retrieve this entity, to be able to update its value.

Send a GET request to /api/stock_available with additionnal parameters:

  • filter[id_product], with the newly created Product id as value
  • display, with value: full

Eg. {{webservice_url}}/api/stock_availables?filter[id_product]={{product_id}}&display=full.

You will receive the full information about your Product’s Stock_Available:

Related request in the Postman collection:

5 - Get stock available

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <id_product xlink:href="http://localhost:8080/api/products/27">
            <id_shop xlink:href="http://localhost:8080/api/shops/1">

You can update the available quantities by sending a PATCH request to /api/stock_availables/{{id}} (with {{id}} the previously retrieved stock_available entity id).

In this example, the returned stock_available entity id was: 67.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">

Related request in the Postman collection:

5 - Update stock available

Complete update of the Stock_available entity

You can also update the whole Stock_available entity by changing the PATCH request to a PUT request, and provide all the fields.

Related request in the Postman collection:

5 - Update stock available - complete

Depending on your stock management strategy (Share available quantities for sale between shops, in the Back office > Advanced Parameters > Multistore > Edit shop group), you need to provide an id_shop (per shop stock) or an id_shop_group (shared shop stock) to the request.

Product images management

To upload an Image to your Product, send a POST request to /api/images/products/{{product_id}} (with {{id}} of the newly created Product entity).

Add an image form-data input in the body of the request, with your image content attached.

Related request in the Postman collection:

6 - Upload image

Manage multi-lang content

If you have two languages set up in your PrestaShop instance, for example:

  • id:1 - English
  • id:2 - French

You can add translations for your multi-lang fields on your Product by sending a PATCH request on /api/products/{{id}} (with {{id}} your product id) with this body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[Meta English description]]></language>
            <language id="2"><![CDATA[Description meta en français]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[EN keyworkds]]></language>
            <language id="2"><![CDATA[Mots clés FR]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[English Title]]></language>
            <language id="2"><![CDATA[Titre en Francais]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[english-title]]></language>
            <language id="2"><![CDATA[titre-francais]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[Product name]]></language>
            <language id="2"><![CDATA[Nom du produit]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[English Description]]></language>
            <language id="2"><![CDATA[Description en français]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[Short English description]]></language>
            <language id="2"><![CDATA[Description courte en français]]></language>

Related request in the Postman collection:

7 - Update multi-lang fields

Product Features

Features are a way to describe and filter your Products. Learn the differences between Features and Attributes.

Use an existing Feature and Feature Value

From the Back Office, identify the Feature and the Feature Value that you will use in your Product.

You need to retrieve the ID of the Feature Value.

Create a Feature and a Feature Value

To create a new Feature, send a POST request to /api/product_features with the following body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[{{feature_name}}]]></language>

Related request in the Postman collection:

12 - Create Feature

Retrieve the id of the Feature created, and create your Feature Value by sending a POST request to /api/product_feature_values:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[{{value}}]]></language>

Related request in the Postman collection:

13 - Create Feature value

Associate your Feature Value to your Product

When creating or updating a Product, fill the associations > product_features > product_feature node with the ID of the Feature and the ID of the Feature Value retrieved from the Back Office or created with the webservice.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">

Related request in the Postman collection:

14 - Associate Feature to Product

Create a Product with Combinations - ProductType::TYPE_COMBINATIONS

Combinations (or product variations) are a way to work with different versions of a Product (for examples sizes, colors, …), by varying Attributes. Learn the differences between Features and Attributes.

To create a Product with Combinations, you must make your Product, create or identify an Attribute to vary, and then add your Combinations.

Create the Product

Change XML body of the Product creation request. Modify <product_type> node, and replace standard with combinations.

Send a POST request to /api/products with the following body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[Description]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[Keywords]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[My Title for SEO]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[awesome-product]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[My awesome Product with combinations]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[Description]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[Short description]]></language>

Related request in the Postman collection:

8 - Create Combination Product

Create or identify an Attribute Value

Use an existing Attribute and Attribute Value

From the Back Office, identify the Attribute and the Attribute Value that you will declinate.

You need to retrieve the ID of the Attribute Value.

Create an Attribute and Attribute Value

To create a new Attribute, send a POST request to /api/product_options with the following body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[{{attribute_name}}]]></language>
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[{{attribute_name}}]]></language>

Related request in the Postman collection:

9 - Create Product option

For the group_type attribute, you can choose between radio (radio input type) or select (select / option input type). You can also choose color for this attribute, and set is_color_group to 1 to make your Attribute a swatch to select colors.

Retrieve the id of the Attribute created, and create your Attribute Values by sending a POST request to /api/product_option_values:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <language id="1"><![CDATA[{{attribute_value_name}}]]></language>

Related request in the Postman collection:

10 - Create Product option value

Create the Combinations

Send as many POST requests to /api/combinations as combinations to be created. Use {{id_product}} of your previously created Product, and {{id_product_attribute_value}} previously retrieved (from existing values in the Back Office or created with the webservice).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="">
            <product_option_values nodeType="product_option_value" api="product_option_values">

Related request in the Postman collection:

11 - Create Combinations

When a Combination is created, a matching Stock_available entity is created. To update the stocks of a Combination, query the Stocks_available endpoint with the id of the product or the id of the combination to retrieve the Stock_available entity, and update it with a PATCH or PUT query.

You can also add images to the Combination with the same method as a Product (send a POST request to /api/images/products/{{id_product}}/{{id_combination}}).