PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Configure a module with CLI

From 1.7.2 , Self Configurator feature was introduced in the ModuleCommand.

Self Configurator is a feature that allows module configuration management from a command, without having to connect on the back office of the shop.

From a configuration file, the command is able to do some configuration on a specific module, e.g.:

  • change values in the Configuration table
  • execute SQL statements from a .sql file
  • copy files
  • execute php scripts

Complete reference of Self Configurator: ModuleSelfConfigurator.php

How to use it

You need to create a configuration file, with the yaml format, and execute:

php bin/console prestashop:module configure <modulename> <configfilepath>

Please note that the third argument <configfilepath> is optional. If not set, PrestaShop will try to find a file named self_config.yml in the module’s folder (and sub-folders).

Apply configuration file on a specific shop or group

The Prestashop prestashop:module command allows you to restrict its actions on a specific shop (or group).

To do so, add an --id_shop or an --id_shop_group argument to the command:

php bin/console prestashop:module configure <modulename> <configfilepath> --id_shop=<id>
php bin/console prestashop:module configure <modulename> <configfilepath> --id_shop_group=<id>

Configuration file reference

Change values in the Configuration table

The Self Configurator feature allows editing values in the Configuration table from the configuration file.

To do so, add a configuration: line, choose if you want to update or delete a configuration value, and add the configuration key and its value like in those examples:

Please note that you can create values by specifying them in the update section.

Execute SQL statements from a .sql file

The Self Configurator feature allows to execute a .sql file with statements on your database.

To do so, add the path of your .sql file like in this example:

    - "myscript.sql"
Please note that your paths are relative to the configuration file.

Copy files

The Self Configurator feature allows to copy files (or URLs) from the configuration file.

To do so, add your source and destination path like in those examples:

    - source: "../source/file.txt"
      dest: "docs/file.txt"
    - source: ""
      dest: "webpage.html"
    - source: "../source/file1.txt"
      dest: "docs/file1.txt"
    - source: "../source/file2.txt"
      dest: "docs/file2.txt"
Please note that if you use paths, your paths should be relative to the configuration file.

Execute php scripts

For complex actions, you can execute php code from your configuration file.

Your file must contain a class implementing the interface PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Module\Configuration\ModuleComplexConfigurationInterface: see reference here.

The class name needs to match the file name.

You have to declare a method: public function run(ModuleInterface $module, array $params);

Create a file named ConfigurationScript.php with this content:

use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Module\Configuration\ModuleComplexConfigurationInterface;

class ConfigurationScript implements ModuleComplexConfigurationInterface
    public function run(ModuleInterface $module, array $params)


And add to the configuration file:

    - file: "ConfigurationScript.php"

The method will receive the module’s name, and an empty array $params.

To add a parameter with key myParam1 and value 1, do the following:

    - file: "ConfigurationScript.php"
        - myParam1: 1

To add a parameter of type array, with key oneArrayParam and the following value ["value1", "value2", "withSpecificKey" => "value3"], do the following:

    - file: "ConfigurationScript.php"
        - oneArrayParam:
            - "value1"
            - "value2"
            - withSpecificKey: "value3"

Complete config file example

# This file is an example of data configuration which can be applied to a module
# Paths are relative to the config file!

# Update data in Configuration table
        # Option 1: having a pair key/value
        PAYPAL_API_CARD: 0
        # Option 2: use "value" subkey. Will allow to use addtionnal keys later
            value: 1

# Execute sql files
    - "sql/default-config.sql"

# Copy files
    - source: "../source/file.txt"
      dest: "docs/file.txt"
    - source: ""
      dest: "webpage.html"

# Execute php script
    - file: "ConfigurationScript.php"
        - myParam1: 1
        - oneArrayParam:
            - "value1"
            - "value2"
            - withSpecificKey: "value3"