PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

How to add an email theme from a module

Now, what if you want to add a whole new email theme? Of course one possibility is to add a new theme folder in mails/themes/ but it’s not the most convenient if you want to install/uninstall it easily and quickly, so let’s integrate the theme in a module.

Just like we did to add a layout from a module we are going to use the actionListMailThemes hook, except this time we are going to add a whole email theme. Now to ease things a bit we can use FolderThemeScanner used by the core to scan its own themes.

Using the hook

use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Layout\Layout;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\ThemeCatalogInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\ThemeCollectionInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\ThemeInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\FolderThemeScanner;

class MyEmailThemeModule extends Module 
    public function install() 
        return parent::install()
            // This class constant contains 'actionListMailThemes'
            && $this->registerHook(ThemeCatalogInterface::LIST_MAIL_THEMES_HOOK)

    public function uninstall() 
        return parent::uninstall()
            && $this->unregisterHook(ThemeCatalogInterface::LIST_MAIL_THEMES_HOOK)

    public function enable()
        return parent::enable()
            && $this->registerHook(ThemeCatalogInterface::LIST_MAIL_THEMES_HOOK)

    public function disable() 
        return parent::disable()
            && $this->unregisterHook(ThemeCatalogInterface::LIST_MAIL_THEMES_HOOK)

     * @param array $hookParams
    public function hookActionListMailThemes(array $hookParams)
        if (!isset($hookParams['mailThemes'])) {

        /** @var ThemeCollectionInterface $themes */
        $themes = $hookParams['mailThemes'];

        $scanner = new FolderThemeScanner();
        $darkTheme = $scanner->scan(__DIR__.'/mails/themes/dark_modern');
        if (null !== $darkTheme && $darkTheme->getLayouts()->count() > 0) {

You can then go to the “Design > Email Theme” page and preview the dark_modern theme.

Dark modern theme available