PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

The PrestaShopCollection component


The PrestaShopCollection component is a Collection of ObjectModel objects. It implements common useful PHP interfaces:

  • Iterator: allows for foreach loop on the Collection
  • ArrayAccess: allows for offset/index access on the Collection
  • Countable: allow for count() function to be used on the Collection

It eases fetching / filtering selections of ObjectModel objects.

use PrestaShopCollection;

$productCollection = (new PrestaShopCollection('Product'))
    ->where('on_sale', '=', true)
    ->orderBy('reference', 'desc')

if (count($productCollection) > 0) {
    foreach ($productCollection as $product) {
        // do something with your product

Create a PrestaShopCollection

To create a PrestaShopCollection, simply instantiate a PrestaShopCollection with the ObjectModel type as a constructor parameter.

use PrestaShopCollection;

$productCollection = new PrestaShopCollection('Product');

A second parameter is available to set the ID of the language to use ($id_lang). It is null by default.

use PrestaShopCollection;

$idLang = 1;
$productCollection = new PrestaShopCollection('Product', $idLang);
Using $id_lang parameter will allow setting a Context language when querying/filtering multi-lang fields. If not set, multi-lang fields will be returned as an array in the Collection.

Get results, count results

When your collection is created, you may need to get its content. Several methods are available to retrieve its content:

  • getFirst(): gets the first item of the Collection
  • getLast(): gets the last item of the Collection
  • you can also access items via their index key, or iterate with foreach
$productCollection = new PrestaShopCollection('Product');

$firstProduct = $productCollection->getFirst();
$lastProduct = $productCollection->getLast();

// you can access items in the collection by index, like in a regular array (this class implements ArrayAccess). The index starts at 0
$thirdProduct = $productCollection[2]; 

// The collection is also iterable (the class implements Iterator): 
foreach ($productCollection as $product) {


// Or you can use the count() function (the class implements Countable):

Filtering a Collection (where, having)

When building the Collection, you may need to filter its content. To do so, use the where() method.

public function where($field, $operator, $value, $method = 'where')
  • $field is the field’s name to filter
  • $operator is the operator to use for filtering (complete list below)
  • $value is the value to filter against (can be a scalar or array value)
  • $method is the method to use (defaults to where, or can be having, see below for more informations)

List of operators

Operator SQL equivalent Accept
= = Scalar, Array
in IN Array
!= != Scalar, Array
<> != Scalar, Array
notin (or NOTIN) NOT IN Scalar, Array
> > Scalar
>= >= Scalar
< < Scalar
<= <= Scalar
like (or LIKE) LIKE Scalar
notlike (or NOTLIKE) NOT LIKE Scalar
regexp (or REGEXP) REGEXP Scalar
notregexp (or NOTREGEXP) NOT REGEXP Scalar

Examples of usage

$productCollection = new PrestaShopCollection('Product');
$productCollection->where('on_sale', '=', true); // find products on sale
$productCollection = new PrestaShopCollection('Product');
$productCollection->where('reference', 'LIKE', 'REF-%'); // find products with reference beginning by "REF-"

Having method

There is also having() method available, which calls where() with the parameter $method set to having.

public function having($field, $operator, $value)

Joining to associated entities (join)

When building the Collection, you may need to join with other ObjectModel entities. You can join on associations that are declared in the $definition of the ObjectModel.

public function join($association, $on = '', $type = null)

Join manufacturer to your Product collection:

$productCollection = new PrestaShopCollection('Product');

You can join on a different field by specifying the field name as a second parameter:

$productCollection = new PrestaShopCollection('Product');
$productCollection->join('categories', 'id_category');

By default, a LEFT JOIN will be used. INNER JOIN or LEFT OUTER JOIN are also available using the third parameter:

$productCollection->join('categories', 'id_category', PrestaShopCollection::LEFT_JOIN);
$productCollection->join('categories', 'id_category', PrestaShopCollection::INNER_JOIN);
$productCollection->join('categories', 'id_category', PrestaShopCollection::LEFT_OUTER_JOIN);

Using where with join

One of the interest of joining other ObjectModel entities to your collection, is the possibility to filter on the external entity with where().

$productCollection = (new PrestaShopCollection('Product'))
    ->where('', '=', 'Manufacturer AAA');

Ordering a Collection (order by)

To order your collection, use the orderBy() method.

public function orderBy($field, $order = 'asc')

Ordering can be done in ascending or descending directions, with asc or desc in the $order parameter.

$productCollection = (new PrestaShopCollection('Product'))
    ->orderBy('reference', 'desc');

Grouping (group by)

If you want to organize your collection items based on a specific field, you can make use of the groupBy() method.

public function groupBy($field)
$productCollection = (new PrestaShopCollection('Product'))

Paginating a Collection (offset / limit)

If you need to retrieve a large number of items, it may be necessary to use pagination techniques such as SQL’s OFFSET/LIMIT. This will help you manage your collection more efficiently.

To do so, use these two methods:

public function setPageNumber($page_number)
public function setPageSize($page_size)

First, set the $page_size:

$productCollection = (new PrestaShopCollection('Product'))
    ->setPageSize(100); // will get only 100 items

If $page_size is set, the collection will return the first $page_size items.

If you need to paginate and access the second page of a collection, you can use the following example:

$productCollection = (new PrestaShopCollection('Product'))
    ->setPageSize(100) // will get only 100 items
    ->setPageNumber(2); // but from page 2, equivalent to offset=(pageNumber - 1) * page_size. 
  • Getting the page: 1 of a collection with a page_size of: 100 is the PrestaShopCollection equivalent of this SQL statement: LIMIT 100 or LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 or LIMIT 0,100

  • Getting the page: 2 of a collection with a page_size of: 100 is the PrestaShopCollection equivalent of this SQL statement: LIMIT 100 OFFSET 100 or LIMIT 100,100

  • Getting the page: 3 of a collection with a page_size of: 100 is the PrestaShopCollection equivalent of this SQL statement: LIMIT 100 OFFSET 200 or LIMIT 200,100

Known issue: If the entity has multi-lang attributes, when not using $id_lang in the PrestaShopCollection constructor, and using pagination (setPageSize(), setPageNumber()), pagination will be broken. Please set an $id_lang in the constructor to use pagination features for entities with multi-lang attributes.