PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Update a resource

Update workflow

The update workflow is quite similar to the creation workflow, the main difference is that the initial input is not a blank XML but an existing one, so we use the get() method to get a prefilled XML, and then we can update its fields.

Update Resource via Webservice

You can update this schema using the source XML file importable in services like

Retrieve the resource

try {
    // creating webservice access
    $webService = new PrestaShopWebservice('', 'ZR92FNY5UFRERNI3O9Z5QDHWKTP3YIIT', false);
    // call to retrieve customer with ID 2
    $xml = $webService->get([
        'resource' => 'customers',
        'id' => 2, // Here we use hard coded value but of course you could get this ID from a request parameter or anywhere else
} catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex) {
    // Shows a message related to the error
    echo 'Other error: <br />' . $ex->getMessage();

Fill the schema and update resource

Quite similar to the resource creation, except we can update only some fields (since the others are already present) and we use the edit() method.

Key Value
resource customers
id resource_id (int)
putXml XML content (string)
$customerFields = $xml->customer->children();
$customerFields->firstname = 'John';
$customerFields->lastname = 'DOE';

$updatedXml = $webService->edit([
    'resource' => 'customers',
    'id' => (int) $customerFields->id,
    'putXml' => $xml->asXML(),
$customerFields = $updatedXml->customer->children();
echo 'Customer updated with ID ' . $customerFields->id . PHP_EOL;
This example voluntarily deals with a simple resource that doesn’t have complicated relationships or special webservice fields, this way we can use the API result as an XML input directly. Some more complex resources (categories, products, …) are not as straightforward, and you’ll need to use a less generic code to clean the extra fields or copy them into a blank schema.