PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.


What makes a theme valid

When you’re trying to select a theme in the backoffice, PrestaShop will test if your theme is valid. It won’t install if the theme isn’t valid.

A theme is valid if it contains some files and some configuration keys.

Required files

Here is the complete list of required files:

  • preview.png
  • config/theme.yml
  • assets/js/theme.js
  • assets/css/theme.css
  • templates/_partials/form-field.tpl
  • templates/catalog/product.tpl
  • templates/catalog/listing/product-list.tpl
  • templates/checkout/cart.tpl
  • templates/checkout/checkout.tpl
  • templates/cms/category.tpl
  • templates/cms/page.tpl
  • templates/customer/address.tpl
  • templates/customer/addresses.tpl
  • templates/customer/guest-tracking.tpl
  • templates/customer/guest-login.tpl
  • templates/customer/history.tpl
  • templates/customer/identity.tpl
  • templates/index.tpl
  • templates/customer/my-account.tpl
  • templates/checkout/order-confirmation.tpl
  • templates/customer/order-detail.tpl
  • templates/customer/order-follow.tpl
  • templates/customer/order-return.tpl
  • templates/customer/order-slip.tpl
  • templates/errors/404.tpl
  • templates/errors/forbidden.tpl
  • templates/checkout/cart-empty.tpl
  • templates/cms/sitemap.tpl
  • templates/cms/stores.tpl
  • templates/customer/authentication.tpl
  • templates/customer/registration.tpl
  • templates/contact.tpl

Required configuration keys

Your configuration file config/theme.yml (read more about this file) must details some configuration keys.

Here is the list of keys PrestaShop will look for. The dot represent the nesting.

  • name
  • display_name
  • version
  • meta.compatibility.from
  • meta.available_layouts
  • global_settings.image_types.cart_default
  • global_settings.image_types.small_default
  • global_settings.image_types.medium_default
  • global_settings.image_types.large_default
  • global_settings.image_types.home_default
  • global_settings.image_types.category_default
  • theme_settings.default_layout