PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

CsvResponse component

Introduced in 1.7.3 , this component allows to export data to CSV Format.

Usage of CsvResponse component

To use this component, add a use statement in your module:

use PrestaShopBundle\Component\CsvResponse;

Build your data as an array of lines, and each line is an associative array:

$lines = [
    ["name" => "My product A", "brand" => "Brand 1", "price" => 2204, "ignored_data" => "abcd"],
    ["name" => "My product B", "brand" => "Brand 2", "price" => 1399, "ignored_data" => "efgh"],
    ["name" => "My product C", "brand" => "Brand 3", "price" => 687, "ignored_data" => "ijkl"]

Create the headers for your columns:

$headersData = [
    "name" => "Product name",
    "brand" => "Product brand",
    "price" => "Product price"
You can remove columns from your export by ignoring them in $headersData.

Finally, create and return your CsvResponse export:

return (new CsvResponse())

Since CsvResponse extends Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse, this will create and send to the browser a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse (which is extended from Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response).

Without any parameter when creating the export, the filename of the export is export_date.csv :

'export_' . date('Y-m-d_His') . '.csv'

Set the filename of the export

When creating / returning the CsvResponse, use setFilename() method to set a specific filename for the export:

return (new CsvResponse())

Advanced usage with a callback function to export large amounts of data (chunking)

Sometimes you will need to export large parts of data with a large memory usage, that can cause performance issues. To achieve this, you can’t just query your database and retrieve your large amount of data. You need to chunk your data, and build your csv export chunk by chunk.

Let’s understand how to do this:

  1. Create a callback function, with two parameters: $offset and $limit.
$dataCallback = function ($offset, $limit){
    $data = $myRepository->getData($offset, $limit);
    return $data;

This callback function returns a set of data from a repository (eg. a database), with $offset and $limit parameters (eg. a LIMIT 0,5000 SQL query).

  1. Create your CsvResponse with your callback function as data:
return (new CsvResponse())

The default $limit is set to 5000. You can modify this limit by calling setLimit(int $limit):

return (new CsvResponse())

Since $dataCallback is a callable, CsvResponse will loop over your callback function when creating the Csv.

There are two modes when retrieving data with a callback function:

  • CsvResponse::MODE_OFFSET: Your callback function is receiving $offset (index to start retrieving items at) and $limit (count of items to retrieve). This is the equivalent of MySql LIMIT 0,100, LIMIT 100,100, LIMIT 200,100.
  • CsvResponse::MODE_PAGINATION: Your callback function is receiving $offset (page number) and $limit (count of items to retrieve), and will handle its pagination itself.

The default mode is MODE_PAGINATION.

When looping over your callback function, the CsvResponse is retrieving $limit items, while there are results.

Mode pagination

$offset is starting at 1, and is increased by 1 at each loop. To use this mode, add:


Mode offset

$offset is starting at 0, and is increased by $limit at each loop. To use this mode, add:

A good example implementation of CsvResponse::MODE_OFFSET can be seen in ProductCsvExporter.php

Manually setting $start parameter

$start parameter can be set manually by adding a setStart(int $start) call to your CsvResponse:

return (new CsvResponse())

Hide header line from export

From 8.0 , to disable header line from export, use the setIncludeHeaderRow() method. This method expects a boolean parameter indicating if the header line should be displayed or not.

return (new CsvResponse())