PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

Manage Multishop

In order to use web services when the multishop feature is enabled, you can use the regular API requests and add the id_shop parameter (or the id_group_shop parameter for overriding by group).

Enable Multishop

The Multishop can be enabled via the PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE configuration value, here is a tutorial to manage configuration via API.

List shops

Once you have several instances you can access to the shop list and their IDs.

Result API call PHP Webservice lib options
List shops /api/shops/
$opt = [
'resource' => 'shops'

Define shop specific override

To deal with shop specific values you can use the regular APIs and specify the shop or shop_group you are targeting. They can be used for read and/or write operations.

Key Value
id_shop Shop id
id_group_shop Shop group id

Create shop

You can refer to the tutorial explaining how to create a resource or update a resource to add/update a shop. It also will need a shop_url otherwise using its id_shop will result in a redirection by the API.



$webServiceUrl = '';
$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice($webServiceUrl, $webServiceKey, false);

// Check shop presence
$shopName = 'Additional shop';
$searchedShop = $webService->get(['resource' => 'shops', 'filter[name]' => $shopName]);
$shopId = null;
if ($searchedShop->shops->shop->count() > 0) {
    $shopId = (int) $searchedShop->shops->shop[0]->attributes()['id'];
    echo 'Shop already exists' . PHP_EOL;

// Create shop
$blankXml = $webService->get(['url' => $webServiceUrl . 'api/shops?schema=blank']);
$shopXml = $blankXml->shop[0];
$shopXml->name = 'Additional shop';
$shopXml->id_shop_group = 1; // Default shop group
$shopXml->id_category = 2; // Default category Root
$shopXml->theme_name = 'classic';
$shopXml->active = 1;

$createdShop = $webService->add(['resource' => 'shops', 'postXml' => $blankXml->asXML()]);
$shopId = (int) $createdShop->shop->id;
echo 'Successfully created shop ' . $shopId . PHP_EOL;

// Create shop url
$blankXml = $webService->get(['url' => $webServiceUrl . 'api/shop_urls?schema=blank']);
$shopUrlXml = $blankXml->shop_url[0];
$shopUrlXml->id_shop = $shopId;
$shopUrlXml->active = 1;
$shopUrlXml->main = 1;
$shopUrlXml->domain = '';
$shopUrlXml->domain_ssl = '';
$shopUrlXml->physical_uri = '/';
$shopUrlXml->virtual_uri = '/additional';

$createdShopUrl = $webService->add(['resource' => 'shop_urls', 'postXml' => $blankXml->asXML()]);
$shopUrlId = (int) $createdShopUrl->shop_url->id;
echo 'Successfully created shop url ' . $shopUrlId . PHP_EOL;

Update your webservice key permissions

At this point if you still use the same webservice key it will probably not have the permission to edit this new shop, you can edit your webservice key in the BackOffice and associate it with your new shop.

Associate content to shop

A new shop has no content associated at first, so you have to assign each content you want in your shop one by one. There is no association API, however we can use the update API by sending the same content and specifying the id_shop parameter, this will update the association without changing the resource content.



$webServiceUrl = '';
$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice($webServiceUrl, $webServiceKey, false);

$shopName = 'Additional shop';

$searchedShop = $webService->get(['resource' => 'shops', 'filter[name]' => $shopName]);
$shopId = null;
if ($searchedShop->shops->shop->count() > 0) {
    $shopId = (int) $searchedShop->shops->shop[0]->attributes()['id'];
} else {
    echo 'No shop found: ' . $shopName . PHP_EOL;

$copiedResources = [

foreach ($copiedResources as $resourceName) {
    echo 'Start cloning ' . $resourceName . PHP_EOL;
    // List all resources
    $listXml = $webService->get(['resource' => $resourceName]);
    $resourceNodes = $listXml->$resourceName->children();
    foreach ($resourceNodes as $listNode) {
        // Get single resource
        $resourceId = (int) $listNode->attributes()['id'];
        $resourceXml = $webService->get(['resource' => $resourceName, 'id' => $resourceId]);

        try {
            // Update resource with same content but shop ID defined, this will update the association without changing the resource content
            $updatedResource = $webService->edit(['resource' => $resourceName, 'id' => $resourceId, 'putXml' => $resourceXml->asXML(), 'id_shop' => $shopId]);
            echo sprintf('Successfully copied resource %s[%s] to shop %s', $resourceName, $resourceId, $shopId) . PHP_EOL;
        } catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $e) {
            echo sprintf('Error cloning %s[%s] to shop %s: ', $resourceName, $resourceId, $shopId) . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
This example voluntarily deals with a simple resource that doesn’t have complicated relationships or special webservice fields, this way we can use the API result as an XML input directly. Some more complex resources (categories, products, …) are not as straightforward, and you’ll need to use a less generic code to clean the extra fields or copy them into a blank schema.