PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

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CQRS - Commands and Queries

What is CQRS?

CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. In brief, the CQRS pattern suggests to separate “write” and “read” models, which it refers to as Commands and Queries. In a web application like a CMS, we perform either “read” operations which return information to the user or “write” operations which modify the data managed by the application.

Why using CQRS in PrestaShop?

During Back Office migration to Symfony, PrestaShop needs a way to access and alter data on the new Symfony pages without multiplying the sources of truth, and without accessing ObjectModel (e.g. Product, Category) directly.

Commands and Queries allow us to isolate the controllers from the data source, which can be later replaced by something else while leaving behind a nice API.

This implementation proposes a “top-down” design, which inverses the classic data-driven design. It starts on a page and the actions performed in it, and then trickles down layer by layer, finishing on the data layer.

Difference between legacy & new architectures

In legacy architecture, controller is calling ObjectModel directly, without providing clear API or separation between read and write model, thus highly coupling data layer with controller. See legacy architecture’s schema below.

Legacy architecture

Fortunately, by implementing CQRS it allows PrestaShop to quickly build new API, but still use legacy ObjectModel by implementing Adapter handlers. This approach enables us to drop ObjectModel and replace it with something else later without breaking new API (Commands & Queries). See new architecture’s schema below:

New architecture using CQRS

CQRS Principles in PrestaShop

  1. All input validation SHOULD be done during the object construction (see Validation).
  2. All objects SHOULD be immutable unless it’s impractical to do so.
  3. The Core\Domain namespace describes business objects, actions and messages. It DOES NOT contain behavior (at least for now).

Command and CommandHandler principles

  1. Any alteration on the state of the application MUST be performed through a Command.
  2. A Command describes a single action. It DOES NOT perform it.
  3. A Command receives only primitive types on input (int, float, string, bool and array).
  4. For every Command there MUST be at least one CommandHandler whose role is to execute that Command.
  5. A CommandHandler acts as a port to a Core, therefore it SHOULD NOT handle the domain logic itself, but orchestrate the necessary services instead.
  6. A CommandHandler MUST be placed in the Adapter namespace as long as it has legacy dependencies.
  7. A CommandHandler SHOULD NOT return anything on success, and SHOULD throw a typed Exception on failure. The “no return on success” rule can be broken only when creating entities.
  8. A CommandHandler MUST implement an interface containing a single public method like this:
public function handle(NameOfTheCommand $command);

Query and QueryHandler principles

  1. Data retrieval SHOULD always go through a Query.
  2. A Query describes a single data query. It DOES NOT perform it.
  3. A Query receives only primitive types on input (int, float, string, bool and array).
  4. For every Query there MUST be at least one QueryHandler whose role is to execute that Query and return the resulting data set.
  5. A QueryHandler SHOULD return a typed object, and SHOULD throw a typed Exception on failure.
  6. A QueryHandler SHOULD use the existing ObjectModel for reads as long as it’s reasonable to do so (in particular for CUD operations in BO migration).
  7. A QueryHandler MUST be placed in the Adapter namespace as long as they have legacy dependencies.
  8. A QueryHandler SHOULD return data objects that make sense to the domain, and SHOULD NOT leak internal objects.
  9. A QueryHandler MUST implement an interface containing a single public method and a typed return like this:
 * @param NameOfTheQuery $query
 * @return TypeOfReturn
public function handle(NameOfTheQuery $query): TypeOfReturn;

Command and Query buses

Command bus is a pattern used to map Commands and Queries to CommandHandlers and QueryHandlers. PrestaShop defines it’s own CommandBusInterface and implements it using Tactician command bus library.

PrestaShop uses 2 commands buses:

  1. CommandBus - for dispatching Commands only
  2. QueryBus - for dispatching Queries only

CQRS in Debug Toolbar

To help you understand which command/queries are used on a page and how you can interact with them a profiler has been added in the Symfony debug toolbar.

CQRS Debug Toolbar

It shows you a quick resume of the CQRS commands/queries used on the page, you can then have more details in the Symfony profiler page:

CQRS Profiler