PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

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How to apply a transformation from a module

The TransformationInterface is a powerful and handy way to modify your template’s design easily. Here are the interface details:

namespace PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Transformation;

interface TransformationInterface
     * @param string $templateContent
     * @param array $templateVariables
     * @return string
    public function apply($templateContent, array $templateVariables);

     * Returns the type of templates this transformation is associated with,
     * either html or txt, so that the renderer knows if it has to be applied
     * or not
     * @return string
    public function getType();

     * @param LanguageInterface $language
     * @return $this
    public function setLanguage(LanguageInterface $language);

The apply method is the most important, it receives the rendered layout as a string, you can then perform replacement or even DOM manipulation as long as your return the whole template as a string (if you don’t want modify it simply return the string unchanged).

The getType method is used to filter transformations (a transformation is only appliable) to one type, as for the setLanguage method it will allow you to know the language used in this generation which is handy if you need to add localized texts or images.


For this example we will use the same layout we use in How to add layout variables from a module:

{# modules/my_email_theme_module/mails/layout/customizable_modern_layout.html.twig #}
{% extends '@MailThemes/modern/components/layout.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
  <table width="100%">
      <td align="center" class="titleblock">
        <font size="2" face="{{ languageDefaultFont }}Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
          <span class="title">{{ 'This is an example mail template from my module for modern theme'|trans({}, 'EmailsBody', locale)|raw }}</span>
      <td align="center" class="titleblock">
        <font size="2" face="{{ languageDefaultFont }}Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
          <span class="subtitle">{{ customMessage }}</span>
      <td class="space_footer">&nbsp;</td>
{% endblock %}

Note the <span class="subtitle"> that contains the custom message, we will use a CSS selector for our transformation.

The Transformation class

In this example we are going to create a class implementing the TransformationInterface. Its purpose is to change the color of all the <span> tags with the subtitle class.

namespace PrestaShop\Module\MyEmailThemeModule\MailTemplate\Transformation;

use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\MailTemplateInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Transformation\AbstractTransformation;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
use DOMElement;

 * Class CustomMessageColorTransformation adds the custom color to all spans
 * with class subtitle.
class CustomMessageColorTransformation extends AbstractTransformation
    /** @var string */
    private $customColor;

     * @param string $customColor
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function __construct($customColor)
        $this->customColor = $customColor;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function apply($templateContent, array $templateVariables)
        $crawler = new Crawler($templateContent);
        $customSpans = $crawler->filter('span[class="subtitle"]');
        /** @var DOMElement $customSpan */
        foreach ($customSpans as $customSpan) {
            $customSpan->setAttribute('style', sprintf('color: %s;', $this->customColor));

        return $crawler->html();

Using the hook

Now you need to add your transformation for this specific layout, in order to do so you will use the actionGetMailLayoutTransformations hook.

use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\MailTemplateInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\MailTemplateRendererInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Layout\LayoutInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Transformation\TransformationCollectionInterface;
use PrestaShop\Module\MyEmailThemeModule\MailTemplate\Transformation\CustomMessageColorTransformation;

class MyEmailThemeModule extends Module 
   public function install() 
        return parent::install()
            // This class constant contains 'actionGetMailLayoutTransformations'
            && $this->registerHook(MailTemplateRendererInterface::GET_MAIL_LAYOUT_TRANSFORMATIONS)
    public function uninstall() 
        return parent::uninstall()
            && $this->unregisterHook(MailTemplateRendererInterface::GET_MAIL_LAYOUT_TRANSFORMATIONS)
    public function enable() 
        return parent::enable()
            && $this->registerHook(MailTemplateRendererInterface::GET_MAIL_LAYOUT_TRANSFORMATIONS)
    public function disable() 
        return parent::disable()
            && $this->unregisterHook(MailTemplateRendererInterface::GET_MAIL_LAYOUT_TRANSFORMATIONS)
     * @param array $hookParams
    public function hookActionGetMailLayoutTransformations(array $hookParams)
        if (!isset($hookParams['templateType']) ||
            MailTemplateInterface::HTML_TYPE !== $hookParams['templateType'] ||
            !isset($hookParams['mailLayout']) ||
            !isset($hookParams['layoutTransformations'])) {

        /** @var LayoutInterface $mailLayout */
        $mailLayout = $hookParams['mailLayout'];
        if ($mailLayout->getModuleName() != $this->name) {

        /** @var TransformationCollectionInterface $transformations */
        $transformations = $hookParams['layoutTransformations'];
        $transformations->add(new CustomMessageColorTransformation('#FF0000'));

You can then go to the “Design > Email Theme” page and preview your layout you will see that your message has now changed its color.

Your customizable template