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The Mail Template component


PrestaShop’s email notification system is based on static template files, one for each kind of message (like account creation, order confirmation, etc), which are stored in the mails folder. In order to localize these messages, PrestaShop needs a copy of each template, translated to every supported language. Shops download these translated versions when installing a new language pack.

This system has a few drawbacks. Shops need to download email packs every time a new language is installed, and if a template had not been translated to that language, you ended up with emails in English. This gets even more complicated when you use an email theme (from Addons or a freelance designer) which is therefore limited to the languages the authors translated by themselves. Also, any customization performed in a template has to be replicated for every installed language.

Starting on 1.7.6, this feature has been significantly revamped. To avoid introducing breaking changes, the system still relies on static email templates, which are used by the Mail::send method. However, instead of downloading translated copies of each template, these files are now dynamically generated whenever you install a new language, using base templates, or layouts.

This is the first step to improving the email system in PrestaShop. As the feature gets further improved we will add more advanced customization for email templates.


Terms like “layouts”, “templates” and “themes” can be confusing, so let’s clarify them:

  • Mail themes are groups of Layouts with a given style, stored in the mails/themes/ directory.

    You can have many mail themes installed, but only one active at a time.

  • Layouts are files that will be rendered using Twig to generate ready-to-use mail Templates.

    They can use logic statements, translate wordings, extend other base layouts or include components. They are the basic files that make up your Mail theme.

  • Templates are static, translated files (html or txt) that will be generated by MailThemeGenerator from Layouts of a given Mail theme in a given language.

    They contain no logic and are translated for ONE language. These are the files used by the Mail class when you send a mail and are located in the mails/ directory, grouped by language (mails/en/, mails/fr/, …).


Folder structure

The new email themes layout files are stored in the mails/themes/ folder. PrestaShop 1.7.6 is bundled with two email themes:

  • classic – The default email theme that was bundled with PrestaShop up until the 1.7.5 version.
  • modern – A new email theme with a modern, responsive design.

Each of these folder contains twig layouts which are organized in a conventional way:

├── mails
|   ├── themes
|   |   ├── modern
|   |   |   ├── assets                          # Contains the assets used in your layouts (optional)
|   |   |   ├── components                      # Contains block parts or base layouts for your email theme (optional)
|   |   |   |   ├── footer.html.twig
|   |   |   |   ├── layout.html.twig
|   |   |   ├── core                            # Contains layouts for Core transactional mails
|   |   |   |   ├── account.html.twig           # HTML layout for "account" transactional mail
|   |   |   |   ├── account.txt.twig            # TXT layout for "account" transactional mail
|   |   |   |   ├── bankwire.html.twig          # HTML layout for "bankwire" transactional mail
|   |   |   |   ├── cheque.txt.twig             # TXT layout for "cheque" transactional mail
|   |   |   |   ├── contact.html.twig           # HTML layout for "contact" transactional mail
|   |   |   ├── modules                         # Contains layouts specific to a given module
|   |   |   |   ├── followup                    # Module name
|   |   |   |   |   ├── followup_1.html.twig
|   |   |   |   |   ├── followup_2.html.twig
|   |   |   |   ├── ps_emailalerts              # Module name
|   |   |   |   |   ├── new_order.html.twig
|   |   |   |   |   ├── followup_2.html.twig

As you can see there are two types of layouts, one for each type of template:

  • HTML layouts, which generate HTML templates and can contain tags for attractive design, images, links, etc.
  • TXT layouts, which only contain plain text, used for old email clients or non interactive environments.

The layout name should respect the following convention: {layout_name}.{layout_type}.twig

For example:

  • account.html.twig : layout for the account mail template in its html version
  • cheque.txt.twig : layout for the cheque mail template in its txt version

As you may have noticed, some of our layouts have both types (e.g.: account) whereas others only have html or txt type (bankwire, cheque, …). This is because you are not forced to define both types as they will be used as a fallback for each other:

  • If only the html type is available, the same layout will be stripped of html tags and the resulting plain text will be used as your txt layout.
  • If only the txt type is available, the same layout will be used for html layout (but it won’t have images nor any other rich elements).
Thanks to this fallback system, and since we mostly want rich HTML emails, most email themes will only contain html layouts, and txt layouts will be automatically generated from them.

Themes and Layouts

PrestaShop uses objects to manipulate email themes and layouts, they implement the following interfaces:

  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\ThemeInterface – Describes a theme and provides a list of its layouts
  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Layout\LayoutInterface – Describes a theme layout (name, file paths, related module…)

These interfaces have a corresponding collection that is used in the core services and provided via hooks:

  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\ThemeCollectionInterface
  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Layout\LayoutCollectionInterface

Of course, PrestaShop provides concrete implementations which you are encouraged to reuse:

  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Theme
  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\ThemeCollection
  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Layout\Layout
  • PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\MailTemplate\Layout\LayoutCollection

Generation workflow

The templates from layouts generation workflow is a bit complex, here are the main components:

  • GenerateThemeMailTemplatesCommand describes the generation settings (eg. which theme are we generating and in which language).
  • GenerateThemeMailTemplatesCommandHandler is the command bus handler in charge of executing the generation using the configured MailTemplateGenerator.
  • FolderThemeCatalog provides a ThemeCollection, which is built by scanning mail themes in folders.
  • MailTemplateGenerator drives the generation of a ThemeInterface for the requested LanguageInterface.
  • MailTemplateTwigRenderer actually renders the layout using the Twig renderer, and post-processes the result by applying any existing TransformationInterface.
  • LayoutVariablesBuilder provides variables to be used in the Twig layouts.

Email Generation Workflow (it is advised to open it in another tab as the image is quite big)

You can update this schema using the source XML file importable in services like draw.io.

Available hooks

As you can see in the workflow, the email generation process includes a few hooks that allow you to include your own themes, layouts, variables and transformations:

  • actionListMailThemes allows you to modify the ThemeCollection (add, remove, modify a theme or/and its layouts)
  • actionBuildMailLayoutVariables allows you to modify the variables of a specific layout
  • actionGetMailLayoutTransformations allows you to modify the transformations applied to a specific layout

Template variables

Layout variables are NOT template variables

Always keep in mind that the variables provided by the LayoutVariablesBuilder will only be available during template generation, meaning that their value will be fixed into the exported static templates, and won’t change dynamically when your emails are being sent. They should not be confused with template variables (like firstname, lastname, …) which are replaced at the last moment when the email is sent by the Mail::send function.

Here is a quick resume of the differences:

Layout Template
Renderer Twig Swift_Plugins_DecoratorPlugin
Syntax {{ variable }} { variable }
Interpreted On generation When the email is being sent
Target All users/customers Specific user/action
Use cases Design, translations, … Customization (user, order, …)
On the same principle, you can add Twig logic in your templates, like conditions on email types, or even your own layout variables to deal with customization — but it will only be useful during email generation. So don’t use any Twig logic to adapt the templates for a specific user or order.


One of the main advantages of email generation is the possibility to use translations in the layouts, here is an example:

  <table width="100%">
      <td align="center" class="titleblock">
        <font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
          <span class="title">{{ 'This is a translated string'|trans({}, 'EmailsBody', locale)|raw }}</span>

Templates generation

Automatic generation

So now that you know how the generation process works, you might wonder when exactly does it happen? There are a few cases when generation is automatic:

  • In Language class and more particularly during the calls to Language::downloadAndInstallLanguagePack, Language::installLanguagePack and of course Language::installEmailsLanguagePack which is now deprecated
  • In PrestaShopBundle\Install\Upgrade::run when languages are updated

Manual generation

Of course sometimes you still want to manually generate your emails (new theme installed, changes in some layouts, …), then you can use:

  • In the Symfony command prestashop:mail:generate if you want to launch a CLI generation
  • In the “Design > Email Theme” page when you use the form to launch the generation manually (once per language)

Choosing the default theme

Your shop can only use one theme at a time, so if you go to the “Design > Email Theme” page you will be able to choose your default email theme. This default theme will be used each time the generation process is launched automatically (language installation, upgrade, …).

The default theme starting from 1.7.6 will be the modern theme, the classic theme was provided for backward compatibility and as an example.


I changed my default theme but my emails didn’t change.

Indeed when you select your default theme you simply update your configuration, so any future generation will use the theme you selected.

However no generation process is launched when you select a theme, so if you want to generate your emails with your newly selected theme you need to do it manually in the “Generate emails” form.

The form only generates one language, so you will have to repeat the action for each Language installed on your shop.
I tried to generate emails with a new theme, but my templates are still in the previous one.

There are two possibilities for this issue:

1. Overwrite already-generated templates

As you may have noticed, the GenerateThemeMailTemplatesCommand and the “Generate emails” form have an overwrite option. We need this option because some shops may have installed email themes, or customized their templates manually. For that reason by default the generation process does not export a template if it already exists. If you want to replace the former templates you need to enable the overwrite option.

Overwrite templates option

Be careful, using this option will replace all the existing templates!

2. Overwrite the shop theme’s mail templates

As you may know, your PrestaShop theme (the shop’s theme, not the email theme) can include mail templates which override the shop’s default ones. Those templates are not contained in the default mails folder, but the in themes/{my_theme}/mails/ folder. Even if you generate your new mail theme (be it automatically or manually), the shop theme’s templates will have higher priority and will be used instead of your mail theme’s.

In that case, generate your mail theme manually and to select the shop theme you want to overwrite. Templates will be generated in its folder and will be used from now (don’t forget to enable the overwrite option if you want to replace them).

Select the theme you want to overwrite

Be aware this operation will permanently modify your shop theme’s files!

Learn more


  • Here is an example module showing how to integrate with the email generation workflow

Module Tutorials