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Native Modules

PrestaShop releases include over 50 bundled modules, commonly referred to as “Native Modules”.

These modules are bundled into PrestaShop through composer at build time.

List of native modules

Module Name Native since Description
blockreassurance Customer reassurance block 1.7.0 Adds an information block aimed at offering helpful information to reassure customers that your store is trustworthy.
blockwishlist Wishlist 1.7.6 Allow customers to create wishlists to save their favorite products for later.
contactform Contact form 1.7.0 Adds a contact form to the “Contact us” page.
dashactivity Activity dashboard widget 1.6.0 Displays an activity widget in the Back office dashboard.
dashgoals Dashboard goals 1.6.0 Adds a block with your store’s forecast.
dashproducts Dashboard products 1.6.0 Adds a block with a table of your latest orders and a ranking of your products.
dashtrends Dashboard trends 1.6.0 Adds a block with the evolution of your stores main numbers along with a graphic.
gridhtml Simple HTML table display 1.6.0 Allows the statistics system to display data in a grid.
gsitemap Google sitemap 1.7.0 Generate your Google sitemap file
pagesnotfound Pages not found 1.4.0 Adds a tab to the Stats dashboard, showing the pages requested by your visitors that have not been found.
productcomments Product Comments 1.4.0 Allows users to post reviews and rate products on specific criteria.
ps_banner Banner 1.7.0 Displays a banner on your store.
ps_categorytree Category tree links 1.7.0 Adds a block featuring product categories.
ps_checkpayment Check payment 1.7.0 This module allows you to accept payments by check.
ps_contactinfo Contact information 1.7.0 Allows you to display additional information about your store’s customer service.
ps_crossselling Cross selling 1.7.7 Adds a “Customers who bought this product also bought…” section to every product page.
ps_currencyselector Currency selector 1.7.0 Adds a block allowing customers to choose their preferred shopping currency.
ps_customeraccountlinks Customer account links 1.7.0 Displays a block with links relative to a user’s account.
ps_customersignin Customer “sign in” link 1.7.0 Adds a block that displays information about the customer.
ps_customtext Custom text 1.7.0 Adds custom text in your store.
ps_dataprivacy Customer data privacy block 1.7.7 Adds a block displaying your data privacy policy for more transparency and reassurance.
ps_emailsubscription Email subscription form 1.7.0 Adds a block for newsletter subscription.
ps_facetedsearch Faceted search 1.7.0 Displays a block with layered navigation filters.
ps_faviconnotificationbo Order Notifications on the Favicon 1.7.5 Displays a small icon over the favicon, only in back office, showing the number of notifications.
ps_featuredproducts Featured products 1.7.0 Displays featured products in the central column of your homepage.
ps_imageslider Image slider 1.7.0 Adds an image slider to your PrestaShop homepage.
ps_languageselector Language selector 1.7.0 Adds a block allowing customers to select a language for your store’s content.
ps_linklist Link list 1.7.0 Adds a block with several links.
ps_mainmenu Main menu 1.7.0 Adds a new horizontal menu to the top of your PrestaShop.
ps_searchbar Search bar 1.7.0 Adds a quick search field to your PrestaShop.
ps_sharebuttons Social media share buttons 1.7.0 Displays social media sharing buttons (Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest) on every product page.
ps_shoppingcart Shopping cart 1.7.0 Adds a block containing the customer’s shopping cart.
ps_socialfollow Social media follow links 1.7.0 Allows you to add information about your brand’s social networking accounts.
ps_themecusto Theme customization 1.7.4 Easily configure and customize your homepage’s theme and main native modules.
ps_wirepayment Wire payment 1.7.0 Accept payments for your products via bank wire transfer.
sekeywords Search engine keywords 1.4.0 Displays which keywords have led visitors to your website.
statsbestcategories Best categories 1.4.0 Adds a list of the best categories to the Stats dashboard.
statsbestcustomers Best customers 1.4.0 Adds a list of the best customers to the Stats dashboard.
statsbestmanufacturers Best manufacturers 1.4.0 Adds a list of the best manufacturers to the Stats dashboard.
statsbestproducts Best-selling products 1.4.0 Adds a list of the best-selling products to the Stats dashboard.
statsbestsuppliers Best suppliers 1.4.0 Adds a list of the best suppliers to the Stats dashboard.
statsbestvouchers Best vouchers 1.4.0 Adds a list of the best vouchers to the Stats dashboard.
statscarrier Carrier distribution 1.4.0 Adds a graph displaying each carriers’ distribution to the Stats dashboard.
statscatalog Catalog statistics 1.4.0 Adds a tab containing general statistics about your catalog to the Stats dashboard.
statscheckup Catalog evaluation 1.4.0 Adds a quick evaluation of your catalog quality to the Stats dashboard.
statsdata Data mining for statistics 1.4.0 This module must be enabled if you want to use statistics.
statsequipment Browsers and operating systems 1.4.0 Adds a tab containing graphs about web browser and operating system usage to the Stats dashboard.
statsforecast Stats Dashboard 1.4.0 This is the main module for the Stats dashboard. It displays a summary of all your current statistics.
statslive Visitors online 1.4.0 Adds a list of customers and visitors who are currently online to the Stats dashboard.
statsnewsletter Newsletter 1.4.0 Adds a tab with a graph showing newsletter registrations to the Stats dashboard.
statsorigin Visitors origin 1.4.0 Adds a graph displaying the websites your visitors came from to the Stats dashboard.
statspersonalinfos Registered customer information 1.4.0 Adds information about your registered customers (such as gender and age) to the Stats dashboard.
statsproduct Product details 1.4.0 Adds detailed statistics for each product to the Stats dashboard.
statsregistrations Customer accounts 1.4.0 Adds a registration progress tab to the Stats dashboard.
statssales Sales and orders 1.4.0 Adds graphics presenting the evolution of sales and orders to the Stats dashboard.
statssearch Shop search 1.4.0 Adds a tab to the Stats dashboard, showing which keywords have been searched by your store’s visitors.
statsstock Available quantities 1.4.0 Adds a tab showing the quantity of available products for sale to the Stats dashboard.
statsvisits Visits and Visitors 1.4.0 Adds statistics about your visits and visitors to the Stats dashboard.
welcome OnBoarding 1.7.0 This module helps merchants create their first product and discover their new shop’s main features.

Module name changes since 1.6

A few modules have been split between 1.6 & 1.7 versions of PrestaShop, as listed here:

Original module for PrestaShop 1.6 Updated module for PrestaShop 1.7 Native in 1.7
advancedeucompliance ps_legalcompliance ❌ No
bankwire ps_wirepayment ✅ Yes
blockadvertising ps_advertising ❌ No
blockbanner ps_banner ✅ Yes
blockbestsellers ps_bestsellers ❌ No
blockcart ps_shoppingcart ✅ Yes
blockcategories ps_categorytree ✅ Yes
blockcms ps_linklist ✅ Yes
blockcmsinfo ps_customtext ✅ Yes
blockcontact ps_contactinfo ✅ Yes
blockcurrencies ps_currencyselector ✅ Yes
blockcustomerprivacy ps_dataprivacy ✅ Yes
blocklanguages ps_languageselector ✅ Yes
blocklayered ps_facetedsearch ✅ Yes
blockmanufacturer ps_brandlist ❌ No
blockmyaccount ps_customeraccountlinks ✅ Yes
blocknewsletter ps_emailsubscription ✅ Yes
blocknewproducts ps_newproducts ❌ No
blockrss ps_rssfeed ❌ No
blocksearch ps_searchbar ✅ Yes
blocksocial ps_socialfollow ✅ Yes
blockspecials ps_specials ❌ No
blocksupplier ps_supplierlist ❌ No
blocktopmenu ps_mainmenu ✅ Yes
blockuserinfo ps_customersignin ✅ Yes
blockviewed ps_viewedproduct ❌ No
carriercompare ps_carriercomparison ❌ No
cashondelivery ps_cashondelivery ❌ No
cheque ps_checkpayment ✅ Yes
crossselling ps_crossselling ✅ Yes
feeder ps_feeder ❌ No
followup ps_reminder ❌ No
ganalytics ps_googleanalytics ❌ No
homefeatured ps_featuredproducts ✅ Yes
homeslider ps_imageslider ✅ Yes
mailalerts ps_emailalerts ❌ No
onboarding welcome ✅ Yes
productscategory ps_categoryproducts ❌ No
producttooltip ps_productinfo ❌ No
socialsharing ps_sharebuttons ✅ Yes