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The Product Form before 1.7.8

The product form is divided into multiple sub forms, here is a list that defines each sub forms along with its fields:

Main form

This form is created by the controller which combines a few different form types for each tab.

Form type Fields Field type Description
ProductInformation This Form type is used for step1 or “Basic settings” tab
type_product ChoiceType Type of product: Standard, virtual or Pack of Product
inputPackItems TypeaheadProductPackCollectionType List of products (for Pack of product)
name TranslateType Product name (localized)
description TranslateType Product description (localized)
description_short TranslateType Product short description (localized)
features CollectionType [ProductFeature] List of sub forms for product Feature entity
id_manufacturer ChoiceType One of the ManufacturerCore
active CheckboxType Boolean to indicate if Product is active
price_shortcut MoneyType Product price (tax excluded)
price_ttc_shortcut MoneyType Product price (tax included)
qty_0_shortcut NumberType Product stock quantity
categories ChoiceCategoriesTreeType List of associated categories
id_category_default ChoiceType One of the Category as default
new_category SimpleCategory Sub form to add and associate a new Category entity
ignore null N/A
related_products TypeaheadProductCollectionType List of related products
ProductPrice This Form type is used for step2 or “Pricing” tab
price MoneyType Product price (tax excluded)
price_ttc MoneyType Product price (tax included)
ecotax MoneyType Product eco tax (tax included)
id_tax_rules_group ChoiceType One of the TaxRulesGroup entity
on_sale CheckboxType Boolean to indicate if Product is on sale
wholesale_price MoneyType Wholesale/cost Product price (tax excluded)
unit_price MoneyType Price per unit (tax included)
unity TextType Unity description (Per kilo, per litre, …)
specific_price ProductSpecificPrice Sub form to add and associate a new SpecificPrice entity
specificPricePriority_ ChoiceType List of criteria to define priorities to apply specific prices
specificPricePriorityToAll CheckboxType Boolean to indicate if the priorities criteria must be applied on ALL products
ProductQuantity This Form type is used for step3 or “Quantities” tab
attributes TextType Text field used to select attributes for Combination entity generation
advanced_stock_management CheckboxType Boolean to indicate if Advanced stock management is enable for this Product (available only if PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT is enabled)
depends_on_stock ChoiceType Select stock policy when using advanced stock management (based on stock or manual)
pack_stock_type ChoiceType Pack stock management type (Decrement pack only, products only, both or default configuration PS_PACK_STOCK_TYPE)
qty_0 NumberType Define product stock quantity
out_of_stock ChoiceType Out of stock policy (Allow orders, Deny orders, or default configuration PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK)
minimal_quantity NumberType Minimum quantity for sale
location TextType Stock location
low_stock_threshold NumberType Quantity that defines low stock is reached
low_stock_alert CheckboxType Enable email alert when low stock is reached
available_now TranslateType Label when in stock (localized)
available_later TranslateType Label when out of stock (and back order allowed) (localized)
available_date DatePickerType Availability date
virtual_product ProductVirtual For virtual product: Specify if a file is associated, and download limitations (number of download, expiration, …)
ProductShipping This Form type is used for step4 or “Shipping” tab
width NumberType Product width
height NumberType Product height
depth NumberType Product depth
weight NumberType Product weight
additional_shipping_cost MoneyType Shipping fees
selectedCarriers ChoiceType Selection of available carriers
additional_delivery_times ChoiceType Specify delivery time (None, default, specific)
delivery_out_stock TranslateType Specific label for out of stock delivery time (localized)
delivery_in_stock TranslateType Specific label for in stock delivery time (localized)
warehouse_combination_ CollectionType [ProductWarehouseCombination] List of sub forms for WarehouseProductLocation entity
ProductSeo This Form type is used for step5 or “SEO” tab
meta_title TranslateType Meta title used for search engine (localized)
meta_description TranslateType Meta description used for search engine (localized)
link_rewrite TranslateType Link rewrite part used when generating Friendly urls (localized)
redirect_type ChoiceType Redirection HTTP code when product is inactive (Permanent/temporary redirection to category/product, or not found)
id_type_redirected TypeaheadProductCollectionType Product/Category ID to redirect to
ProductOptions This Form type is used for step6 or “Options” tab
visibility ChoiceType Product visibility is lists (Everywhere, catalog only, search only, nowhere)
tags TranslateType List of tags (localized)
display_options FormType Various display options (available_for_order, show_price, online_only)
mpn TextType Manufacturer Part Number
upc TextType UPC barcode
ean13 TextType EAN-13 or JAN barcode
isbn TextType ISBN code
reference TextType Product reference
show_condition CheckboxType Display condition of product
condition ChoiceType Type of condition for product (New, used, refurbished)
suppliers ChoiceType List of Supplier for this product
default_supplier TextType One of the Supplier as default one
supplier_combination_ CollectionType [ProductSupplierCombination] List of sub forms for ProductSupplier entity (details Price and reference for each supplier)
custom_fields CollectionType [ProductCustomField] List of sub forms for ProductCustom entity (define possible custom texts, images, …)
attachment_product ProductAttachement Sub form to create and associate an Attachment entity (instructions, documentation, recipes, …)
attachments ChoiceType List of Attachment for this product

Sub forms

Here is a description of the sub forms used in the main one

Form type Fields Field type Description
ProductAttachement This Form type is used in ProductOptions to create an Attachment entity
file FileType File to upload
name TextType Filename
description TextType File description
add ButtonType Add button
cancel ButtonType Cancel button
ProductCustomField This Form type is used in ProductOptions to edit a CustomizationField entity
id_customization_field HiddenType CustomizationField ID
label TranslateType Customization field name (localized)
type ChoiceType Customization field type (text, file)
require CheckboxType Boolean to indicate if custom field is required
ProductSpecificPrice This Form type is used in ProductOptions to edit a SpecificPrice entity
sp_id_shop HiddenType or ChoiceType Select Shop association (When only one Shop just use the default one)
sp_id_currency ChoiceType Select specific price currency
sp_id_country ChoiceType Select specific price country
sp_id_group ChoiceType Select specific price group
sp_id_customer ChoiceType Select specific price customer
sp_id_product_attribute ChoiceType Select specific price combination
sp_from DatePickerType Specific price starting date
sp_to DatePickerType Specific price ending date
sp_from_quantity NumberType Specific price minimum quantity
sp_price MoneyType Specific price (tax excl.)
leave_bprice CheckboxType Boolean to indicate if initial price is kept
sp_reduction NumberType Reduction amount
sp_resp_reduction_type ChoiceType Reduction type (amount, percentage)
save ButtonType Save button
cancel ButtonType Cancel button
ProductSupplierCombination This Form type is used in ProductOptions to edit a ProductSupplier entity
supplier_reference TextType Supplier reference
product_price MoneyType Product price for supplier
product_price_currency ChoiceType Select product price currency
id_product HiddenType Product ID
id_product_attribute HiddenType Combination ID
supplier_id HiddenType Supplier ID
ProductVirtual This Form type is used in ProductQuantity to specify the virtual product file settings
is_virtual_file ChoiceType Boolean that indicates if the virtual product has an associated file
file FileType File to upload
name TextType Filename
nb_downloadable NumberType Number of allowed downloads
expiration_date DatePickerType Expiration date
nb_days NumberType Number of days
save ButtonType Save button
ProductWarehouseCombination This Form type is used in ProductShipping to edit WarehouseProductLocation entities
activated ChoiceType Boolean that indicates if the warehouse stores the product
product_id HiddenType Product ID
id_product_attribute HiddenType Combination ID
warehouse_id HiddenType Warehouse ID
location TextType Location in warehouse (optional)
TypeaheadProductCollectionType This Form type is used in ProductInformation to select related products and in ProductSEO to select the redirection target (Product or Category)
data CollectionType Serialized data that is then used to create the relation For related product it creates an accessory relation, for SEO it stores the ID for redirection
TypeaheadProductPackCollectionType This Form type is used in ProductInformation to select products contained in the Pack
data CollectionType Serialized data that is then used to create the relation using the Pack entity

Extra forms

Some extra forms are not integrated directly in the product form but displayed in the page and managed in individual components (often through ajax requests).

Form type Fields Field type Description
ProductCategories This Form type is used to display and select the categories for the Product (as a tree)
categories ChoiceCategoriesTreeType Display a tree of categories and allows to select them
ChoiceCategoriesTreeType Categories tree selector
tree ChoiceType List of Category entities
ProductCombination This Form type is used to edit a Combination entity
id_product_attribute HiddenType Combination ID
attribute_reference TextType Combination reference
attribute_ean13 TextType Combination EAN-13 or JAN barcode
attribute_isbn TextType Combination ISBN code
attribute_upc TextType Combination UPC barcode
attribute_mpn TextType Combination Manufacturer Part Number
attribute_wholesale_price MoneyType Combination wholesale/cost price (tax excluded)
attribute_price MoneyType Impact on price (tax excl.)
attribute_priceTI MoneyType Impact on price (tax incl.)
attribute_ecotax MoneyType Combination ecotax (tax incl.)
attribute_weight NumberType Impact on weight
attribute_unity NumberType Impact on price per unit (tax excl.)
attribute_minimal_quantity NumberType Min. quantity for sale
attribute_location TextType Stock location
attribute_low_stock_threshold NumberType Low stock threshold
attribute_low_stock_alert CheckboxType Enable email alert when low stock is reached
available_date_attribute DatePickerType Availability date
attribute_default CheckboxType Set as default combination
attribute_quantity NumberType Combination quantity (when Stock management enabled)
id_image_attr ChoiceType List of Images associated to the Combination
final_price NumberType Final price
ProductCombinationBulk This Form type is used to edit options when performing bulk action on Combination entities
quantity NumberType Combination quantity (when Stock management enabled)
cost_price MoneyType Combination wholesale/cost price (tax excl.)
impact_on_price_te MoneyType Combination price (tax excl.)
impact_on_price_ti MoneyType Combination price (tax incl.)
impact_on_weight NumberType Combination weight
date_availability DatePickerType Availability date
reference TextType Combination reference
minimal_quantity NumberType Combination minimum quantity for sale
low_stock_threshold NumberType Low stock threshold
low_stock_alert CheckboxType Enable email alert when low stock is reached