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Grid and identifiable object form hooks usage example


In this tutorial we are going to build module which extends customers list with one extra column which can be toggled. It can have two states - turned on or off. In customer creation and edit form we will add switch which will also manage the same state. By following this tutorial you will learn how to:

The module created within this tutorial can be found here


  • To be familiar with basic module creation.

Register hooks

On module installation the following hooks are being registered:

  • actionCustomerGridDefinitionModifier - for adding new column to customers grid.
  • actionCustomerGridQueryBuilderModifier - for modifying customers grid sql.
  • actionCustomerFormBuilderModifier - for adding new field to customers create or edit form field.
  • actionAfterCreateCustomerFormHandler - to execute the saving process of added field from the module.
  • actionAfterUpdateCustomerFormHandler - to execute the update process of added field from the module.
public function install()
    return parent::install() &&
        $this->registerHook('actionCustomerGridDefinitionModifier') &&
        $this->registerHook('actionCustomerGridQueryBuilderModifier') &&
        $this->registerHook('actionCustomerFormBuilderModifier') &&
        $this->registerHook('actionAfterCreateCustomerFormHandler') &&
        $this->registerHook('actionAfterUpdateCustomerFormHandler') &&
Hooks actionCustomerGridDefinitionModifier and actionCustomerGridQueryBuilderModifier are built using grid id which in this case is Customer. If you want to use hook for any other grid You can check any definition factory service in PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Grid\Definition\Factory to see available grid ids. Grid id is returned by getId() method.

Hooks actionCustomerFormBuilderModifier,actionAfterCreateCustomerFormHandler and actionAfterUpdateCustomerFormHandler are built using unique identifier which in this case is Customer is retrieved from its form type CustomerType. E.g id retrieved from ManufacturerType will be Manufacturer. Some types might use function getBlockPrefix to retrieve the unique id

Adding new column to customers grid

Extending grid definition and filters


use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Grid\Definition\GridDefinitionInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Grid\Column\Type\Common\ToggleColumn;
use PrestaShopBundle\Form\Admin\Type\YesAndNoChoiceType;

class Ps_DemoCQRSHooksUsage extends Module
    // ...
     * Hook allows to modify Customers grid definition.
     * This hook is a right place to add/remove columns or actions (bulk, grid).
     * @param array $params
    public function hookActionCustomerGridDefinitionModifier(array $params)
        /** @var GridDefinitionInterface $definition */
        $definition = $params['definition'];

        $translator = $this->getTranslator();

                (new ToggleColumn('is_allowed_for_review'))
                    ->setName($translator->trans('Allowed for review', [], 'Modules.Ps_DemoCQRSHooksUsage'))
                        'field' => 'is_allowed_for_review',
                        'primary_field' => 'id_customer',
                        'route' => 'ps_democqrshooksusage_toggle_is_allowed_for_review',
                        'route_param_name' => 'customerId',

            (new Filter('is_allowed_for_review', YesAndNoChoiceType::class))
    // ...

This hook, through $params array, received GridDefinition that defines how the grid is rendered. See Grid definition for more information.
In this sample a new toggable column which determines if the customer is eligible to review products is added just after another column which has id optin. The sample code also demonstrates how add new filter.

Creating route for toggle column

ToggleColumn - used to display booleans, it will display an icon instead of the value. If user clicks on it, this triggers a toggle of the boolean value. More information about this column and all available parameters can be found here.
As in this sample module we are creating ToggleColumn we need to configure the route in which the toggling action will be performed. Indeed when the end-user clicks on this column, an ajax request is performed and must reach one new controller to handle the action (here: toggle a value on and off).
If you only want to display data then this step can be skipped. E.g you are creating DataColumn. See Column references for full list of grid columns available.

  • Create controller DemoCQRSHooksUsage\Controller\Admin\CustomerReviewController:
namespace DemoCQRSHooksUsage\Controller\Admin;

use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController;

class CustomerReviewController extends FrameworkBundleAdminController
  • Create controller action:

This example has been simplified for practical reasons.

You can find full implementation here which uses CQRS pattern to toggle the reviewer state. More about it here.

namespace DemoCQRSHooksUsage\Controller\Admin;

use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController;

class CustomerReviewController extends FrameworkBundleAdminController
    public function toggleIsAllowedForReviewAction($customerId)
        //  updating reviewer state can be handled here
        return $this->redirectToRoute('admin_customers_index');
  • As this is a Symfony controller, we must configure the related routing (read more about symfony routing), which means create a route in ps_democqrshooksusage/config/routes.yml file:

  path: demo-cqrs-hook-usage/{customerId}/toggle-is-allowed-for-review
  methods: [POST]
    _controller: 'DemoCQRSHooksUsage\Controller\Admin\CustomerReviewController::toggleIsAllowedForReviewAction'
    customerId: \d+

Route name ps_democqrshooksusage_toggle_is_allowed_for_review matches the one that was passed as mandatory option when creating the ToggleColumn.

Extending grid query builder

By just extending grid definition we won’t be able to display any data since we need to fetch it first. Luckily, we can add additional sql conditions by extending doctrine’s query builder.

use Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Search\Filters\CustomerFilters;

class Ps_DemoCQRSHooksUsage extends Module

    // ...

     * Hook allows to modify Customers query builder and add custom sql statements.
     * @param array $params
    public function hookActionCustomerGridQueryBuilderModifier(array $params)
        /** @var QueryBuilder $searchQueryBuilder */
        $searchQueryBuilder = $params['search_query_builder'];

        /** @var CustomerFilters $searchCriteria */
        $searchCriteria = $params['search_criteria'];

            'IF(dcur.`is_allowed_for_review` IS NULL,0,dcur.`is_allowed_for_review`) AS `is_allowed_for_review`'

            '`' . pSQL(_DB_PREFIX_) . 'democqrshooksusage_reviewer`',
            'dcur.`id_customer` = c.`id_customer`'

        if ('is_allowed_for_review' === $searchCriteria->getOrderBy()) {
            $searchQueryBuilder->orderBy('dcur.`is_allowed_for_review`', $searchCriteria->getOrderWay());

        foreach ($searchCriteria->getFilters() as $filterName => $filterValue) {
            if ('is_allowed_for_review' === $filterName) {
                $searchQueryBuilder->andWhere('dcur.`is_allowed_for_review` = :is_allowed_for_review');
                $searchQueryBuilder->setParameter('is_allowed_for_review', $filterValue);

                if (!$filterValue) {
                    $searchQueryBuilder->orWhere('dcur.`is_allowed_for_review` IS NULL');
    // ...

This sample demonstrates how to extend sql of the customers grid. From our custom database table democqrshooksusage_reviewer we fetch the result of field is_allowed_for_review. This name must match the id we added in the grid definition. In order for sorting to work we also add orderBy condition and finally, in order for filters to work where conditions are added if the filter exists in $searchCriteria->getFilters().


After completing the steps above by going to customers list you should see new column “allowed for review” added.

Allowed for review column added to customers list

Adding new form field to customer form

Modifying customers form builder

In this step we are appending to the customers form a new SwitchType form field - its one of many form types which already exist in PrestaShop. More information about it can be found here.

This example has been simplified for practical reasons.

You can find full implementation here which uses CQRS pattern to get reviewer state. More about it here.

// modules/ps_democqrshooksusage/ps_democqrshooksusage.php

use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use PrestaShopBundle\Form\Admin\Type\SwitchType;

class Ps_DemoCQRSHooksUsage extends Module
    // ...

    public function hookActionCustomerFormBuilderModifier(array $params)
        /** @var FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder */
        $formBuilder = $params['form_builder'];
        $formBuilder->add('is_allowed_for_review', SwitchType::class, [
            'label' => $this->getTranslator()->trans('Allow reviews', [], 'Modules.Ps_DemoCQRSHooksUsage'),
            'required' => false,

        $customerId = $params['id'];

        $params['data']['is_allowed_for_review'] = $this->getIsAllowedForReview($customerId);


    private function getIsAllowedForReview($customerId)
        // implement your data retrieval logic here

        return true;
    // ...

In this sample by using Symfony form builder we just added another Form type. To determine if its on or off we also need to reset its form data by assigning is_allowed_for_review value to true or false.


By completing the steps above newly added switch is now visible in the customers form.

Allowed for review switch added to customers form

Extending customers form after create and update actions

In the previous example we have added a switch field ! But when we want to save its state (on or off) nothing happens. The data is not modified. This is because we have not used the hooks dedicated to handle this topic - lets do that!

This example has been simplified for practical reasons.

You can find full implementation here which uses CQRS pattern to create or update reviewer state. More about it here.


public function hookActionAfterUpdateCustomerFormHandler(array $params)

public function hookActionAfterCreateCustomerFormHandler(array $params)

private function updateCustomerReviewStatus(array $params)
    $customerId = $params['id'];
    /** @var array $customerFormData */
    $customerFormData = $params['form_data'];
    $isAllowedForReview = (bool) $customerFormData['is_allowed_for_review'];
    // implement review status saving here

when we created the switch type form we named it is_allowed_for_review. By using the same name we can get the state (on or off). This hook receives from $params the form data, that you can retrieve like this: $params['form_data']. All the form data is available here, including is_allowed_for_review data which comes from the switch.