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How to execute the PrestaShop automatic test suite

Executing Unit/integration test suites

At least four test suites are available, testing different parts of PrestaShop:

  • Legacy tests: heritage from PrestaShop 1.6: mix of unit, integration and functional tests;
  • Legacy controllers: added to help with the Symfony migration, ensures that old Back Office controllers are still runnable;
  • Admin tests: specific to PrestaShop 1.7, tests src/Core and src/Adapter classes;
  • Symfony specific tests: specific to PrestaShop 1.7, test classes from src/PrestaShopBundle

Each suite needs a specific PHPUnit configuration. This is why each test suite has a specific composer command:

  • composer phpunit-legacy
  • composer phpunit-controllers
  • composer phpunit-admin
  • composer phpunit-sf
You can execute the entire PHPUnit test suites using the composer test-all command.

Executing the Functional test suites

This is thoroughly explained in the Puppeteer tests Readme file.