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Behat testing

It is important that you get familiar with the Behats principles before reading further. You can find the official behat documentation here.

A behaviour (behat) tests are a part of integration tests. They allow testing how multiple components are working together. In PrestaShop, behats are used to test the Application and Domain layer integration - basically all the CQRS commands and queries.


During behat tests the actual database queries are executed, therefore before testing you need to run a command composer create-test-db to create a test database.

The create-test-db script installs a fresh prestashop with fixtures in a new database called test_{your database name} and dumps the database in your machine /tmp directory named ps_dump.sql. That ps_dump.sql is later used to reset the database. You can check the actual script for more information - /tests-legacy/create-test-db.php.

Behats structure in PrestaShop

Behat related files are located in tests/Integration/Behaviour/. This directory contains following files:

  • behat.yml - this is the test suites configuration file which describes feature paths and contexts for every test suite. It can be passed as an argument when running the tests like this ./vendor/bin/behat -c tests/Integration/Behaviour/behat.yml.
  • bootstrap.php - this file loads the Kernel for a behat tests environment.
  • Features - this directory contains all the Scenarios and Contexts. More about it below.


Before continuing, please read the official behat documentation about the features and scenarios.

In PrestaShop all *.feature files are placed in .tests/Integration/Behaviour/Features/Scenario. Each feature is placed in a dedicated directory organized by domain (or even a subdomain if necessary). These feature files contains text that describes the testing scenarios in a user-friendly manner, each of them must start with a keyword Feature and have a one or multiple scenarios starting with a keyword Scenario. For example:

Feature: Update product status from BO (Back Office)
  As an employee I must be able to update product status (enable/disable)

  Scenario: I update standard product status
    Given I add product "product1" with following information:
      | name[en-US] | Values list poster nr. 1 (paper) |
      | type        | standard                         |
    And product product1 type should be standard
    And product "product1" should be disabled
    When I enable product "product1"
    Then product "product1" should be enabled
    When I disable product "product1"
    Then product "product1" should be disabled

As you can see, we state the given information, then we describe the action and finally the assertion. These scenarios should be easy to understand even for non-technical people. So when writing one, try to avoid the technical keywords and make it as user-friendly as possible.

There is also a keyword Background, which allows running certain code before each scenario. See more here.

Every line in scenario has a related method defined in a Context.


The behat Context files are classes that contains the implementations of the features. In PrestaShop all Context files are placed in tests/Integration/Behaviour/Features/Scenario.

The most recent Context files are located in Tests/Integration/Behaviour/Features/Context/Domain namespace, so try to use these and avoid the ones from the Tests/Integration/Behaviour/Features/Context/* namespace (those are old and might not be implemented well).

When creating a new Context class, it should extend the AbstractDomainFeatureContext.

The AbstractDomainFeatureContext contains some commonly used helper methods, and it implements the Behat\Behat\Context which is necessary for these tests to work.

This is how the context looks like:

class OrderFeatureContext extends AbstractDomainFeatureContext
//    ...
     * @Given I add order :orderReference with the following details:
     * @param string $orderReference
     * @param TableNode $table
    public function addOrderWithTheFollowingDetails(string $orderReference, TableNode $table)
        $testCaseData = $table->getRowsHash();

        $data = $this->mapAddOrderFromBackOfficeData($testCaseData);

        /** @var OrderId $orderId */
        $orderId = $this->getCommandBus()->handle(
            new AddOrderFromBackOfficeCommand(

        SharedStorage::getStorage()->set($orderReference, $orderId->getValue());
//    ...

As you can see in example, the string @Given I add order :orderReference with the following details: maps this method to related line in *.feature file. The :orderReference acts as a variable which actually is the id of the order, that is saved into the SharedStorage. The TableNode $table is a specific argument, you can read about it here.

Shared storage

The SharedStorage is responsible for holding certain values in memory which are shared across the feature. The most common usage example is the id reference - we specify a certain keyword e.g. product1 before creating it, and once the command returns the auto-incremented value, we set it in shared storage like this SharedStorage::getStorage()->set($orderReference, $orderId->getValue());. In upcoming scenarios we can reuse this reference to get the record, something like this:

    protected function getProductForEditing(string $reference): ProductForEditing
        $productId = $this->getSharedStorage()->get($reference);

        return $this->getQueryBus()->handle(new GetProductForEditing(


Behats allow you to use hooks. You can find some usages in CommonFeatureContext. You can use these hooked methods by tagging them before the Feature (or before Scenario depending on the hook type), like this (add_product.feature ):

Feature: Add basic product from Back Office (BO)
  As a BO user
  I need to be able to add new product with basic information from the BO

You can also tag specific features if you want to run only them with a --tags filter. For example, if you add following tag in your Feature:

Feature: Add basic product from Back Office (BO)
  As a BO user
  I need to be able to add new product with basic information from the BO

Then you can run only this feature by following command ./vendor/bin/behat -c tests/Integration/Behaviour/behat.yml -s product --tags add


When you have already created features and contexts it is time to map them with the test suite. The mapping is done in the behat.yml configuration file. It looks like this:

                - %paths.base%/Features/Scenario/Customer
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\CommonFeatureContext
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\CustomerManagerFeatureContext
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\Domain\CustomerFeatureContext
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\CustomerFeatureContext
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\Configuration\CommonConfigurationFeatureContext
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Transform\StringToBoolTransformContext
                - %paths.base%/Features/Scenario/Category
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\CommonFeatureContext
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\CategoryFeatureContext
                - Tests\Integration\Behaviour\Features\Context\Domain\CategoryFeatureContext

As you can see, you have to define the suite, the path to features, and all the necessary contexts. According to the example, when you run the following: ./vendor/bin/behat -c tests/Integration/Behaviour/behat.yml -s customer - all the *.feature files from tests/Integration/Behaviour/Features/Scenario/Customer directory will be used to execute the related methods in all the provided contexts.