Wordings in the software are exported into Crowdin, a translation platform. This allows contributors to translate these into all supported languages.
Each night, a cron job fetches translations from Crowdin, updates the PrestaShop/TranslationFiles repository with new updates, and deploys translations to domain i18n.prestashop.com.
i18n.prestashop.com is a domain hosted by PrestaShop company to store all supported Languages Localization Packages. This is the domain where localization packs are downloaded when you use the “Download a Language Pack” feature in Back Office.
Most existing languages are available in Crowdin for translation, but not all are available in PrestaShop.
This is because some languages have a low completion level on Crowdin.
If the Crowdin translators for a given language are very active and would like to see the results of their Crowdin translations quickly in their own shop, here is the process to add the support of a language.
If the language is not available in Crowdin, you have to contact the Crowdin PrestaShop manager for opening a project in the concerned language.
This can be done following two steps:
In PrestaShop, processing of languages is controlled by JSON configuration:
The first one is used for listing languages supported by PrestaShop in back office.
The second one is used to match the legacy 2-letter codes used for locales to the standard IETF language tags.
?In this file, you need to add a new item in the JSON.
The key is the ISO Code, based on the ISO-639-1 standard (see an unofficial list here). The item is filled with key/values relative to the localization :
: Nameiso_code
: ISO code (2 characters)date_format_lite
: Date format (only date)date_format_full
: Date format (with hours & minutes)is_rtl
: Right to Left Languagelanguage_code
: Language codelocale
: ISO code (5 characters) : two-letter language code (ISO 639-1) and the two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)This is a sample :
"da": {
"name": "Dansk (Danish)",
"iso_code": "da",
"date_format_lite": "Y-m-d",
"date_format_full": "Y-m-d H:i:s",
"is_rtl": "0",
"language_code": "da-dk",
"locale": "da-DK"
?In this file, you need to add a key/value.
The key is the ISO code, based on the ISO-639-1 standard (see an unofficial list here). The value is the locale.
This is a sample :
"da": "da-DK"
i18n.prestashop.com domain stores the translations files that are used by PrestaShop.
This is the list you can read on International > Translations Back Office page, when adding or updating languages.
This content of i18n.prestashop.com is controlled by the GitHub repository PrestaShop/TranslationFiles.
The list of available languages is controlled by the file available_languages.json
of the current version.
You must submit a Pull Request in which you add a key/value:
This is a sample :
"da-DK": "Danish (Denmark)"
After the Pull Request has been approved and merged, a nightly cron job will fetch translations from Crowdin, update the repository with new updates, and deploy translations to i18n.prestashop.com.