Hook action<FormName>FormBuilderModifier


Hook action<FormName>FormBuilderModifier
Type action
Origin core

Located in

Origin File
core src/Core/Form/IdentifiableObject/Builder/FormBuilder.php

Call of the Hook in the origin file

$this->hookDispatcher->dispatchWithParameters('action' . $this->camelize($formBuilder->getName()) . 'FormBuilderModifier', [
    'form_builder' => $formBuilder,
    'data' => &$data,
    'options' => &$options,
    'id' => $id

Example implementation

This hook has been implemented as an example in our modules examples repository - demoextendsymfonyform1.

This hook has been implemented as an example in our modules examples repository - demoextendsymfonyform2.

This hook has been implemented as an example in our modules examples repository - demoextendsymfonyform3.

This hook has been implemented as an example in our modules examples repository - demoproductform.

This hook has been described in the context of Product Page in Back Office in Extending the new product page form page