Hook displayBeforeCarrier
Before carriers list
This hook is displayed before the carrier list in Front Office
Hook |
displayBeforeCarrier |
Locations |
FO |
Type |
display |
Origin |
core |
Aliases |
[beforeCarrier] |
Description |
This hook is displayed before the carrier list in Front Office |
Located in
Parameters details
'carriers' => array(
'name' => (string) Name,
'img' => (string) Image URL,
'delay' => (string) Delay text,
'price' => (float) Total price with tax,
'price_tax_exc' => (float) Total price without tax,
'id_carrier' => (int) intified option delivery identifier,
'id_module' => (int) Module ID
'checked' => (int) intified selected carriers,
'delivery_option_list' => array(array(
0 => array( // First address
'12,' => array( // First delivery option available for this address
carrier_list => array(
12 => array( // First carrier for this option
'instance' => Carrier Object,
'logo' => <url to the carrier's logo>,
'price_with_tax' => 12.4, // Example
'price_without_tax' => 12.4, // Example
'package_list' => array(
1, // Example
3, // Example
is_best_grade => true, // Does this option have the biggest grade (quick shipping) for this shipping address
is_best_price => true, // Does this option have the lower price for this shipping address
unique_carrier => true, // Does this option use a unique carrier
total_price_with_tax => 12.5,
total_price_without_tax => 12.5,
position => 5, // Average of the carrier position
'delivery_option' => array(
'<id_address>' => Delivery option,
Call of the Hook in the origin file
Hook::exec('displayBeforeCarrier', ['cart' => $this->getCheckoutSession()->getCart()])