PrestaShop Developer Conference
PrestaShop Developer Conference
Paris, France - November 6, 2024
Let's talk code, commerce and open source.

How to add a new Hook

Adding a new hook is a process that can be done in only three steps.

1) Add a call to Hook::exec()

As visible in this PR, the first step is to add a Hook::exec() in the code where you want to execute it. This will execute the code from the modules hooked into your Hook.

2) Modify the hook.xml file

The second step is correctly adding the Hook during installation. You need to add it to the hook.xml file, as seen in this PR. This will ensure that the Hook is added to the database, which enables users to sort modules hooked into it. It won’t be possible without the hook in the database.

3) Add the new hook in the Autoupgrade fixture

The last step is to make this new hook available for users upgrading from older versions of PrestaShop. You need to add it to the current version of the SQL script of the Autoupgrade module, as can be seen in this PR.

If you are unsure which file to put the code inside the autoupgrade module, feel free to ping @PrestaShop/Committers.

You can also use a helper available to add a new hook during the upgrade process for a given version.